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Message started by ps47 on 20.05.09 at 21:58:23

Title: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by ps47 on 20.05.09 at 21:58:23
..anybody tried this combo? a guy I know from school just dropped an old pc at my place (he was like hey,want this junk? 10euro. and I was like sure whatever :P).the machine turned out to be a celeron700 running on asus cusi-m (what?) board (integrated sis630 vga),128MB of memory (running xp-ouch),one modem,old disk etc,everything in pretty solid microatx case-and looking at all that free space,I was almost instantly sure I would manage to get a 200SBi in one of those pci slots.guess what,it fits exactly (1mm space left from the front panel,to be precise)..so the idea was to turn this pc into a dedicated q3d machine,but it seems like the chipset is not compatible-I get the classic desynchronization+glide lockup after a while (both the 200SBi and X-24).

that means I'll need a new matx motherboard,but I would like to make sure it will be compatible this time..I don't really want anything faster than p3 (I think I'll get a new cpu as well-a p3 1GHz should do nicely,and its dirt cheap as well),so I figured a intel815 would probably be the best choice..right?

Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by elfuego on 23.05.09 at 06:00:39
If youre going for i815, then why not a real PIII tualatin 1.4Ghz? You can OC to 1.6-1.8Ghz depending on the cooler and have a pretty mean machine :) As far as I've tested V5, CPU stops being a limit at about 1.4Ghz (3dmark results are almost the same with 1.4, 1.6 and 2.2Ghz)

If there was somewhere out there a i815 mainboard with an ISA slot, I would be having that combo instead of AMD+KT133A.

Here: 15e:

and the best i815 mainboard of all times ASUS TUSL2-C:

Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by ps47 on 23.05.09 at 11:06:59
nope,I want to keep this nice and cheap (I have ordered the parts a few hours ago,what the hell,sometimes you just gotta have fun ;D),and if I remember correctly,v2sli hits its cpu limit exactly around 1GHz,so there is no real need to stretch it any further..I just hope I'll be finally able to get rid of all the glide instability.

Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by ps47 on 12.06.09 at 21:56:32
the board turned to be totally incompatible with anything that even remotely resembles a voodoo2..another 25euro wasted :(

do I really need to go bx440 to run the card?


Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by elfuego on 13.06.09 at 02:21:35
Sry to hear that. Think about ABIT VP6. Maybe you can find it somewhere on ebay for small $$$; should be a good one... And compatible...  :-/

Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by ps47 on 13.06.09 at 12:12:34
I think I'll let it go for a while-not enough space over here anyway.I'll be thinking about this again when I have a bigger flat (one year is the plan)...

Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by ps47 on 14.06.09 at 18:59:33
installed xp just for fun,and all problems I had under win98se are solved-a regular v2 installs and runs fine (did not test it for the glide lockup yet).hmmm..maybe I did something wrong when installing the chipset software (when running win98se)..?

Title: Re: intel815 boards and q3d cards..
Post by ps47 on 23.06.09 at 22:47:49
..tried the same thing with my msi-6168 mb,and while all the cards (the integrated v3 and the 200sbi) install fine,the desync+glide lockup problem prevails.I'm starting to think this is actually a dx9c problem (I have installed the last win98se compatible dx9 release,as I didn't have any problems with it before).I think I'll do one last reinstall and load dx7a,that should be old enough to not cause any problems..

edit: well I'll be damned.cleaned the system with dxbuster,loaded dx7a,and right now I'm running stable for more that one hour (max I got before was 10minutes).you gotta love M$ >:(

edit2: tried dx8.2 (the last of the 8 series,it seems),and everything is stable as well.that means if you want to build a legacy system with v2sli,you should stay away from dx9 (under win9x.I'm not sure if the same applies to win2000/xp,but probably yes).I'll probably try to narrow it down to the conflicting dll(s),maybe I'll be able to come up with some hybrid distribution of dx9,or perhaps just some dll overrides..

/bit unrelated: I'm quite surprised that the 200sbi has no problems running with a v3 as primary card,I was under the impression that v3+v2 under win9x=no love.I think the custom q3d drivers made the difference ;D

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