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Message started by Hammer on 28.09.04 at 23:36:52

Title: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 28.09.04 at 23:36:52
I want to build a PC around a voodoo5 5500 card thats inexpensive for old glide gaming only, and multiplayer capable for online play...Dont particularly know the old games yet, but F16 to start....or if someone has a cheapy for sale?...

I have a tower with a shot mobo so I guess start me in the right direction?...lol
I have win 98 disc but not SE...

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by paulpsomiadis on 28.09.04 at 23:48:52
Hmm...I think I have some old Mainboards lying about in antistatic bags... ::)

I'll have a look... :P

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 29.09.04 at 02:04:52
The one I had fried..had built in video card,,,lmao...amd k62 3d now proccesor tho I think If I remember right...

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 29.09.04 at 12:14:43
I'm planning on doing this venture too, when I get the time and money.  ::)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by paulpsomiadis on 29.09.04 at 19:18:30
Allo matey! ;)

I have about three spare mainboards (a slot 1, and 2 socket 7) ::)

I'll give ya' one for some small £££ when you come up to visit (£5 or £10). :D

More details when I "P.M." you soon... :P

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 29.09.04 at 20:12:29
Cheers matey, but I already got the mobo. :)

That's the only thing I have at the moment, plus the 3dfx cards of course. ;)

Getting the right motherboard was essential.

I wanted a motherboard that was as modern as possible with an AGP 2x/4x/8x slot.  And it had to have 6 PCI slots.  Picky, I know, but I got it.  Brand new and at a bargain. £35. ;D

Behold the Chaintech 7VJL Apogee.  And it's in wicked colours which will look extra cool in the windowed case when the neon lights hit it!  8)


Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by paulpsomiadis on 29.09.04 at 23:22:03
Nice colours! ::)

[puts shades on...] 8)

Okay, THAT'S better! ;D


Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 02.10.04 at 17:31:03
yeah, it's a wicked motherboard and I thought the colours of it would look pretty funky in the neon lit case! Another bonus of having it!  ;D

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 14.10.04 at 00:44:42
I just snagged 2 voodoo 5 5500's on ebay for 9.95 each...someone direct me to a good mobo thats not real expensive..

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by voodoo5500 on 14.10.04 at 02:30:49

All depends, whats your budget and intended cpu speed ?

Heres what I'm using with an athlon XP 2400, cost me $60 canadian, the 2400 $80.


Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 14.10.04 at 16:32:05
My first post will explain somewhat..I just want a 500-700 meg proccessor that I can run the old glide games on...a pc strictly for that in windows 98 so I dont need 3rd party drivers or anything.....I tried to play thief deadly shadows on my voodoo 3 but it wont ...I guess because I cant get DX9 to work right with the card....so I figured just build a pc strictly for the old stuff.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 14.10.04 at 17:24:24
Yeah, not a chance.  Although it would be nice to play the Thief Trilogy on one card (pref. 3dfx) I just don't think it's possible.

Best playing Thief I & II on a good 3dfx card and playing Thief III on a DX9 card.  Get the best experience possible from the game.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 14.10.04 at 20:12:58
Yes I been doing just that...at least I didnt buy the deadly shadows...I tried the demo and couldnt get it to load so never spent the money...thats why I need 2 PC's...But Ive never put a PC together with parts...lol..just bought em...so all this is new for a n00b..

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 17.10.04 at 20:15:22
Well ok then...thanks for all the help and advice...cyas round when I have it all figured out on my own.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 20.10.04 at 10:33:23
Okay no probs, drop us a line if you need any help.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 20.10.04 at 21:32:55
LOL..well thanx Jank...but I was being sarcastic in the last post...let me more sucinct I guess, maybe that will help.

I need names and models of Mobo's(and anything else) so that I can search for them on 1) ebay, 2) used PC stores...to build a PC around a 5500 as to play old glide games ONLY....no frills but must be able to play online multiplayer.I have a tower already but what elese do I need?

WHY do I need help?...because I dont know much about anything PC wise...I have always just bought a PC thats already put together....

Thus I posted "Who wants to HELP?"

At first Paul said he had some mobos in antistatic bags laying around ( I got a little excited...lol)..Thought cool someone willing to sell something I might could use..Then Jank enters with same idea and conversation changes a bit and seemed loss of intrest..Also noticed that Paul lives in UK by Jank so if he were to sell an old mobo would probably be better idea I buy one here because shipping would be outrageous to the states from the UK......I just dont know what to look for and dont want to be taken to the bank so to speak..So any advice is what Im looking for...I wasnt to build but dont know what to use...lol

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by VDX on 21.10.04 at 01:37:37
Go here -->  http://www.pricewatch.com/h/homepage.aspx

its pretty simple, goto motherboards, goto to either kt266a or the kt333 chipset, im pretty sure any amd kt266a chipset board will be fine, i have two and it allows o/c to 166 which is 333, and i use a barton on that, now if you can find a 333 chipset that has universal agp check to make sure it has the 3.3v setting and not just 1.5v setting for agp, the universal pro has just 1.5v  and 1.8v which aint gonna work.

you should be able to find something here with np, i just bought a micro 266a chip mobo 2 months ago of there.

good luck if need more help just say so  ;)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by VDX on 21.10.04 at 02:17:50
wow, the board i bought is already gone, its very sparse there, ive never tried ebay for a mobo but that might be the way togo  :-/

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by VDX on 21.10.04 at 02:37:04

well it looks as if there is plenty of used mobo's u van get on ebay

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by VDX on 21.10.04 at 02:45:21
ok this is a good one here --> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3672&item=6715009976&rd=1

nice price too, this would be great for a agp 5500

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by voodoo5500 on 21.10.04 at 03:39:08
Those would be nice cpu speeds to get the most out of the card  ;)  my upgrade from a 1ghz pentium3 to an athlon 2400 gave the card a substantial boost in performance  8)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 21.10.04 at 06:45:23
Gawd now Im psyched out!...After reading VDX's post Im really feeling n00bish...hehehe...lmao....Maybe I will just go look for a used whole system before I screw something up.....BTW I bought 2 V 5 5500's PCI's for 23.75 including shipping....I hope thats a smart move since it might be my last...LMAO....

Either the guy didnt know what he had, or hes lying about what he said...I figured at this price cant really go wrong...He had 5 cards listed with buy now for 9.95 each...the whole auction lasted like 1 1/2 hours....this is what he wrote:

3DFX Voodoo5 5500 PCI Video Card

These cards were used for system/software benchmarking and were used very little.  They have been given cursory testing and found to still be functional.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 21.10.04 at 14:27:57

It's ok to be a noob.  ;D If you need help, let us know.  Maybe we can offer advice.  No need to be sarci, we're just ofering to help out others.  :)

Don't worry about the topic changing direction, ham, it happens a lot.  If you want something, ask for it.  Simple.  :) I'm sure Paul would be willing to help you out with a mobo, no problem.

If you're going for PCI V5 board, you don't have to worry about your mobo as much. KT266/A and KT333 hold the best possible chance of supporting a universal AGP slot (1x/2x/4x) for 3dfx AGP card users.

Unfortunately for you yanks, it will cost you more for international shipping, than when we have items shipped from you!  ;D  For the same price we can have the luxury of Air Mail, while you settle for Surface.  ;D Don't worry about it.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 21.10.04 at 17:13:25
OK thanx...heres a question...I have a tower with a toasted mobo...will any mobo I buy fit into it?...are they all "universal"?...lol....

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 21.10.04 at 19:12:54
If it's an ATX Tower, then most mobo's will usually fit comfortably into any tower.  To be certain, check the measurement specs of each mobo (sizes are stated in millimeters (mm)).

Are you wanting to run a Voodoo card in the tower? If so, what type, AGP or PCI?

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by voodoo5500 on 21.10.04 at 19:28:04
He's allready said he acquired 2 pci 5500 models so his options in a motherboard are almost limitless  ;)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 21.10.04 at 22:26:56
I dont know what kind of tower it is...but on the mainboard it says SIS 5595 and has a stiker on it says agp8m...ATX sounds familiar tho....just a basic white tower with 4 screws on the back to take a wrap around cover off.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 22.10.04 at 17:49:55

wrote on 21.10.04 at 19:28:04:
He's allready said he acquired 2 pci 5500 models so his options in a motherboard are almost limitless  ;)

He did mention that .... in a prior post.  I wouldn't have asked otherwise, but in Ham's most recent post I quote:

OK thanx...heres a question...I have a tower with a toasted mobo...will any mobo I buy fit into it?...are they all "universal"?...lol....

This did not mention the use of any V5 5500 PCI.  So don't assume but ask, unless otherwise stated.  :)

He could have been talking about a totally different machine! Best to find out the full requirements spec first before you start recommending anything to anyone!  ;D

I'm a software engineer.  It comes with the territory having to know all requirements specified beforehand, and not to base on assumptions first. Otherwise, I could have been recommending something he didn't need, and be wasting my time and Ham's! ;)

Rant over! :P

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 22.10.04 at 17:57:10

wrote on 21.10.04 at 22:26:56:
I dont know what kind of tower it is...but on the mainboard it says SIS 5595 and has a stiker on it says agp8m...ATX sounds familiar tho....just a basic white tower with 4 screws on the back to take a wrap around cover off.

AMD-K6 or Pentium II CPU?

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 22.10.04 at 18:08:43
The SIS AGP8m indicates the graphics card is usually an integrated 8Mb 6326 AGP card.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 22.10.04 at 20:17:12
Yes it was an amdk62 3d now and had built in video card....its toast...but I was just saying what it was to see if you knew if its a universal size mobo? ...and I appreciate all the help....I will also paste my origanal post  here...

""Posted by: Hammer Posted on: Sep 28th, 2004, 11:36pm
I want to build a PC around a voodoo5 5500 card thats inexpensive for old glide gaming only, and multiplayer capable for online play...Dont particularly know the old games yet, but F16 to start....or if someone has a cheapy for sale?...

I have a tower with a shot mobo so I guess start me in the right direction?...lol
I have win 98 disc but not SE... ""

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 23.10.04 at 00:29:19
Is it just the mobo that's "toast" and not the CPU?

By the way, what is the speed of the AMD-K62?  This would really help.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 23.10.04 at 01:31:34
Well I was told it was mobo by  the guy I took it into to be fixed...I guess hes right...was only 400 meg...its like 7 years old...but arent the cpu's glued to the mobo's?

I guess just give me some ideas..I really am a cheapo...lol...dont want more than 200 bucks into this thing but wouild like at least 700 megahertz cpu....possible?

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 23.10.04 at 10:00:21

wrote on 23.10.04 at 01:31:34:
...dont want more than 200 bucks into this thing but wouild like at least 700 megahertz cpu....possible?

So I take it that you don't want to keep your old CPU then?

What whas the megahertz speed of your old CPU, before your mobo was "toast"?

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 26.10.04 at 00:25:08
400 meg

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by voodoo5500 on 26.10.04 at 04:07:40

Although the card could be run on such a slow cpu, thats not anywhere near the cpu speed required to realize the cards potential  ;)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 26.10.04 at 05:39:24
Well Im trying to figure out what to do now...get a bare bones setup or someone said why not use the Dell I have and partition with windows 98 for the use of the 5500....any ideas?...

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 26.10.04 at 15:14:22
I'll have some more info on this, tonight.  :)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 27.10.04 at 14:21:03
My girlfriend's old machine (which is my temporary 3dfx rig ::)) has a SIS MB590 Motherboard, which is possibly similar to yours.  It runs an Athlon K-6 3D2  @ 350MHz.  It has the integrated 6326 AGP8M card too. And also has the CMI8738 integrated soundcard.  Though I don't think my motherboard will support a 400MHz CPU like yours.


This motherboard is very old now, probably older than yours perhaps, but if you want a quick motherboard change, without changing any other components (CPU, memory, etc ...) you need to be acquiring an ATX form factor  Super Socket 7 mobo.  Have a look on ebay.  You will pick one up dirt cheap.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 27.10.04 at 14:23:40

Something like this should do the trick, and support your CPU, right upto 500MHz.  So you could even overclock the CPU a little for extra power.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 27.10.04 at 19:16:05
well if I can get a 700-1gig speed processor bare bones setup brand new thats I guess the ultimate...would probably be easyer for me being a noob also...that way I could just install the windows 98 and the voodoo card and should be ready to go....any thought there janskjaer?...I saw a 1.2 gig somewhere other day for like 150 bucks brand new...but since I reformated last week I lost that link...LMAO....what a mess I am at present time...lol

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 27.10.04 at 19:20:46

It depends at what level the barebones system will be at.  Does it come with CPU, Memory, Hard Drive?  Some barebones come with CPU and not memory, and some come with hard drive and no CPU, if you catch my drift?

Make sure it has all the necessary components. ... Oh, and a spare PCI slot for your V5 of course.  ::)

Don't ignore buying a full  tower, or a second hand machine you know that works.  This will save you the hassle of putting the rig together yourself, which you are unable to do.

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by Hammer on 27.10.04 at 21:07:43
Exactly what my thinking has been of late...I will keep you posted...also changed isp so struggling to get my connection better also....tired charter cable using USB port rather than ethernet....learned that aint a good idea ...so now installing ethernet card....lmao...never freakin ends with PC's!

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 27.10.04 at 21:38:37
Welcome to the world of PC's! ;D

You may think you own a PC, but sooner or later they end up owning you!  ::)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by VDX on 30.10.04 at 02:23:27
In case you ever want a mobo again i just got one off ebay that looks pretty good, its a EPoX 8k3a+,,, it has via kt333 chipset and has 1x,2x,4x agp with 1.5 and 3.3v,,, anyways got it pretty cheap and has all the stuff it came with original ;)

Title: Re: Who wants to help for fun?
Post by janskjaer on 30.10.04 at 19:27:52
A wise choice  :)  That looks a good board, especially with 6 PCI slots, KT333 and universal AGP.  You had the same idea I had when I picked up my mobo.

However, I went for the luxurious Chantech 7VJL APOGEE! ;D


KT333, AGP 2x/4x/8x, Supports upto AthlonXP 2800+ and 3Gb PC2700 in RAM.  :)

6 PCI slots and comes with loads of extras!  :D

This will beat any Voodoo5 3DMark2001 score!  :P

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