No, I do hear you *g*
It's logical that Game makers and developers avoid AGP Texturing, thus there technically should never be a real advantage of AGP 8x (= avoid at all cost, since it offers only 10% of the currently possible Onboard VRAM bandwidth).
It could be called a 'contingency' rather than a feature, when it actually comes into play.
And by the time we have a
sustained 10GB/sec over RAM (in my estimate in about 5 years maybe, considering we're now at about ~3.5-4GB/sec with the fastest setups), we'll have Graphic Boards doing 20 times that bandwidth, resulting in the same situation again
Anyway, fairly pointless discussion, since noone is really using 4x or 8xAGP except for those few % general acceleration (overhead) maybe, and that won't change.