It may sound a daft question to many who have already tried it, but do Operating Systems such as Win98, Win2000 and Linux, really work in a stable condition, on a system using an AthlonXP CPU?
I ask this because I plan to build my 3dfx GlideBox using a 2700+ AthonXP CPU, but only intend to install a dual boot of Win98 and Win2000 on the system for better stability and compatibility with the 3dfx GPU range.
Is there anyone who has tried this scenario, and can tell me if it works or not?
I'm sure it would, right? I just thought the architecture of the CPU had been altered to better suit WinXP.
If anybody knows the details, do they know what was changed in order to make it more suitable for the WinXP OS, as I read it somewhere ages ago, but I've forgot.