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Message started by LtComDATA on 27.02.09 at 03:43:06

Title: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by LtComDATA on 27.02.09 at 03:43:06
Hello there!

I used a long time my Voodoo 5 6000 on a SOYO Dragon Ultra until the PSU died with a lightning  :'(
The Mobos AGP Slot, maybe died, and something other (sometimes it doesnt boot up anymore and AGP is very particular and has his own life)

Thanks god the Voodoo didnt get any harm, tested on an Epox and she works =)

So I decide to buy a new motherboard.
At Voodooalert I already asked what they were using for systems and there are several capabilities
like with:

but I am searching now for an faster Version than I had (was with an AMD 2400+)

fastest would be an Epox with a 3200+ CPU
or a TYAN with 2x AMD CPUs

or same System again

but now I searched a little bit and found on SOYO an interesting Board!

Its a Pentium4 System and it supports the Prescott family
the nice thing is that there are 3x ISA Slots and it supports 2x/4x AGP (you can see it on the page)

The Chipset is an Intel 845PE

Does anyone know that Board or has experience/infos?

I allready wrote to SOYO but didnt get any mail back
If I get a mail I will write here

(I forgot the old username, so DATA is now here on FF, but never mind  8-))

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by NitroX infinity on 27.02.09 at 10:47:48
Uhm, it supports a max FSB of 533, which means that the fastest processor you can put on the board is a 3,06GHz model.

IMHO you're better of with an AthlonXP 3000+ or 3200+ with 333MHz FSB on an Epox EP-8K3A+.

Also, does the board support AGP2x @ 3,3Volt or at 1,5Volt? If it only supports AGP2x @ 1,5Volt it's not going to work for your Voodoo5 6000 because it requires 3,3Volt.

Also, looking at the picture of that Soyo, it's missing the AGP port, perhaps it's a prototype and never went into production?

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Rolo01 on 27.02.09 at 14:22:56
As far as I know the Intel 845PE does NOT support 3.3V AGP cards !
No Intel P4 chipset does. If you want to use a P4, get a board with an SIS645dx chipset.

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by akula65 on 27.02.09 at 14:46:43
I wouldn't expect too much in the way of information from Soyo.  They stopped manufacturing motherboards a few years ago, so there isn't much incentive for them to continue to provide support.

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by LtComDATA on 27.02.09 at 18:11:39
Hm... I thought AGP2x is 3,3V only
and AGP4x is 1,5 or 3,3

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Chosen_One on 27.02.09 at 18:21:23
In the VoodooAlert-board Kaitou made a thread about 3,3V VAGP-friendly chipsets. I guess there you will find some more P4-chipsets.

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by eloooos on 02.03.09 at 11:27:58

Chosen_One wrote on 27.02.09 at 18:21:23:
In the VoodooAlert-board Kaitou made a thread about 3,3V VAGP-friendly chipsets. I guess there you will find some more P4-chipsets.

Anyone who knows german language might to paste link to this thread?

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by LtComDATA on 02.03.09 at 17:15:42
i found it........
now i know why chosen didn´t searched for it^^


well but there are not as much informations at there then I hoped

and SOYO didnt answere either -_-

Rolo01 wrote on 27.02.09 at 14:22:56:
As far as I know the Intel 845PE does NOT support 3.3V AGP cards !
No Intel P4 chipset does. If you want to use a P4, get a board with an SIS645dx chipset.

Hm, than I will search for an AMD 3200+ CPU/Board

(for Voodooalert translation german-> english, pls dont use google translator, there comes more crap out than... looak at http://dictionary24.com/ its not funny even than ppl where using google in games^^)

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by razrx on 02.03.09 at 22:24:25

Just thought I'd add my two cents....

AFAIK, the fastest AMD CPU for a Voodoo5 board is an AMD 3000XP @ 333MHz.  As for the 400MHz FSB CPUs, the 400MHz compatible motherboards do not work with Voodoo5 boards as they would end up being an AGP 4X 1.5V slot.

Which is why I bought an EPoX 8K5A3+ motherboard.  Also, a lot of v6k users like the EPoX 8K3A+ board, but that board won't accept AMD CPUs up to Athlon XP 3000+ @ 333MHz.  The 8K3A+ is a 266MHz board.  

Hope that helps.   :)

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by G1nX on 02.03.09 at 22:39:37
@razrx i think NitroX was referring to this CPU
if indeed it exist looking at the comments and pictures on the site but it's somewhat rare.

For mainboard options you can also check here
and of course Gary's site (hope he doesn't mind all the free advert)
In the end it's a matter of personal choice :)

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Kokohemmo on 02.03.09 at 23:04:54
Hi all

Actually 8K3a+ accept AMD Athlon 3000+ Barton. It needs Bios update, so it regonize the CPU right.

I use it all the time with V56k



Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by razrx on 02.03.09 at 23:20:05
Excellent news g1nx and kokohemmo.

I was referring to this document on the AMD website (page 21): http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/white_papers_and_tech_docs/26237.PDF

the multiplier would be....   333 x 7 = 2333MHz which is approx. 3200+ speed rating.....
so it's possible  :-?

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Kokohemmo on 02.03.09 at 23:29:04

Normal AMD Athlon 3000+ Barton 333 Mhz core multiplier is 13. It runs very stable without any hickups. The 8K3A+ board is mention to be in 266, but it runs in 333 with bios update without any problems.

8K3A+ works in my knowledge maxium at 333 in memory and CPU. 400Mhz do not work.


Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by razrx on 02.03.09 at 23:34:58
a thread from Tom's Hardware forum about this same issue:  http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/62515-28-athlon-3200

Maybe an AMD Athlon XP MOBILE 3200 cpu runs at 333MHz

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by LtComDATA on 02.03.09 at 23:39:45
Well, I dont believe that SOYO will answere anymore...

Who can help me out?
I am searching for an Epox 8K3a or an EPoX 8K5A3

If you know someone who sells one of these boards or a merchant please contact me (if possible sealed or maybe "new")


Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Kokohemmo on 03.03.09 at 00:00:20

I would recommended only 8K3a+ (if you want RAID 0  ) with Barton 3000+ if using Voodoo5 6000. I have tested also Soyo Dragon Ultra 645DX with 2.8Ghz and it works, but must disabled Enable write combining in display settings. Otherwise some freeze happen. Disabling write combining also take a way a lot of power in display card.

EPoX 8K5A2 also makes random lock ups in games and computer would not shutdown right when selected shut down. Must press power button to shut down computer.

Epox 8K3A+ everything goes... No lockups, shutdown as it should etc etc..

So, in my testing with these mobo's, 8K3a with RAID option ;) is the best board you can get if you use V56K with it.

These results are of course in my noticed problems with my V56K. Maybe other cards won't do these things with these mobo's.



Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by G1nX on 03.03.09 at 00:10:40
Well from my personal experience the 8K3a+  i a good board for the v5 cards but it has the problem of popping caps like popcorn  :-/
And from what i noticed on the web it was not my bad fortune:
My advise would be to recap it with higher quality ones even if it's almost new and doesn't need it.
Still this requires some manual labor but as you can read in the link above it solves the problem. Just my opinion.

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by razrx on 03.03.09 at 00:13:23
Very good!

Also, SAT+KABEL is running a v6k on an 8K5A2 board...
and Feinripp is using an 8K5A2+ board

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Kokohemmo on 03.03.09 at 00:17:31

Yes, the caps... I have use this 8K3a+ now allmost two years and I check the caps condition very often. So far, no leaked caps or "fat" caps. I think, if you don't stress the mobo with overclocking, caps might hold longer time.

And with V56K, you should not even try...heh

Of course, I'm prepaired to change the caps if they start to go bad.


Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by G1nX on 03.03.09 at 00:28:46
Well i didn't stress the MB and i prefer my systems 24/7 stable (work defect) and silent if possible ;)
Still it's also a matter of how often you use it and like I said before those caps aren't of the highest quality so has to be a series of factors that determine make the popping effect happen on this mainboard.
Myself am using a Tyan Dual MP board now, very stable but not as fast.
Later edit: I did recap mine but partially as I could not find all the right quality caps for it  :(

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Kokohemmo on 03.03.09 at 00:37:43

Yes, thats true that it would be better to change those caps. I'm going to change also these 8K3A+ caps, as soon they start to make some errors in OS or caps start to grow or leak. I did that operation with 8K5A2+, when I was using it because in that mobo they were allready fat.

Now I have new caps allready waiting for change, but I still keep on these "good" caps for a while.

Replacing the caps is not hard thing to do, just patience and time...  :)


Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by razrx on 04.03.09 at 00:26:36
Here's an excellent thread on v6k + motherboard compatiblity: http://www.voodoo3dfx.com/Foro_V6k/viewtopic.php?t=8

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by G1nX on 04.03.09 at 00:53:49

G1nX wrote on 02.03.09 at 22:39:37:
For mainboard options you can also check here

Already posted :P
You can also check out the old v6k forum now archived :(

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by razrx on 04.03.09 at 02:15:05

G1nX wrote on 04.03.09 at 00:53:49:

G1nX wrote on 02.03.09 at 22:39:37:
For mainboard options you can also check here

Already posted :P
You can also check out the old v6k forum now archived :(

I'm glad you replied G1nX.  :)

I clicked on your link to voodoo6000.com.  There were areas I've never seen on that site.  I remember going there in the past and having trouble viewing pages.  This time around I was able to see all the pages, just not all the pics.  That site looked great.

I saw an image of my v6k on the page you posted that I didn't have before.  

Thank you!  :)

Title: Re: Voodoo 5 6000
Post by Kokohemmo on 28.03.09 at 20:51:05
Hi again

Finally I recap one of my three 8K3A+ motherboard.
I change all the CSG caps, so I don't have to worried about if
some bad quality caps fails when I start to use this mobo with my V56K.  

Original caps:
2200uf   10V  CSG    13 pcs  
1500uf  6.3V  CSG      2 pcs
1200uf  6.3V  CSG      6 pcs
1000uf  6.3V  CSG      6 pcs
  100uf  16V   CSG    18 pcs
    10uf  25V   CSG      6 pcs

New Caps

2200uf   10V   RUBYCON  MHZ  LOW-ESR 105C
1500uf   6.3V  RUBYCON  MCZ  LOW-ESR 105C
1200uf   6.3V  RUBYCON  MCZ  LOW-ESR 105C
1000uf   10V   RUBYCON  MCZ  LOW-ESR 105C
 100uf    16V   RUBYCON   ZLH  LOW-ESR 105C
   10uf    25V   NICHICON  PY(M)  105C

This board 2200uf caps were the worst of my three ones:


After adding new Rubycon and Nichicon high quality caps, it looks much better..  ;)


And the complete motherboard with new caps:


I tested the board and now voltage ranges are stabil, no up and down.

I do more tests with this board when I change this with my regular board.
My mobo which I now use with V56K has TEAPO caps. They are still in good shape,
no leaks or bulbing.

Ps. I also try the final update for this mobo. Waiting the last AMD 333Mhz cpu, Barton 3200+.


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