Weapons - added option for visible centered weapons. - added option to have smaller first person weapons. Off by default. This option is found in the Settings|Player menu, or can be changed in the user.ini by adding bSmallWeapons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section. - fixed inaccurate replication of remaining translocator charge, causing players not to be able to fire when they seemed to still have charge - all projectiles and shock beam centered with hidden weapons - fixed shieldgun autofire misfires - added more weapon not firing debugging. If your weapon stops firing, type getweaponstats at the console. Then, continue trying to fire your weapon, so more stats can be gotten. Both client and server must be upgraded to this patch. - fixed shield gun fire effect when weapon hidden. - fixed transbeacon leaving flare behind when crushed by mover. - telefragging always gibs. - ion painter warms up a little faster - added configurable property to have translocator aim up more like original UT. This client-side option can be enabled by adding the following line to the [xGame.xPlayer] section of your user.ini file: bClassicTrans=true - fixed lightning gun muzzleflash positioning in third person - improved redeemer guiding - sniper rifle zoomed visible area expanded - custom weapon crosshairs: You can specify custom crosshairs and crosshair colors for each weapon. To do this, add the following lines to the appropriate weapon section in your User.ini file:
CustomCrosshair=7 CustomCrosshairColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) CustomCrosshairScale=1.0
where CustomCrosshair can have any value between 0 and 13, and the Crosshair color is in 8 bit RGBA format. You can also use your own custom textures (after importing them into a utx) by adding CustomCrosshairTextureName="package.texture" (where package is the name of the UTX package, and texture is the name of the texture in the package.
HUD/Scoreboard: - 4 digit fph
AI: - fixed bot auto skill adjustment - added custom bot AI configuration menu - bots don't try to link with you if you are linking with them - only use bots with upl menu strings "SP", "DUP", or "UNLOCK" - performance improvement when trying to find path to dropped flags or bombs. Also added NotReachableBy() event to Decoration, so flags and other game objects can be notified if they aren't reachable. - improved bot AI for mutant game - fixed low-skill AI problems in DOM-Junkyard - fixed bots don't change weapon at end of match, and always play victory anim if winner
Performance/ Engine fixes: - fixed xEmitter memory leak - Improved bPreloadAllSkins for team games. - set bShouldPreload (in [Engine.LevelInfo] section of UT2003.ini) to true on initial configuration for systems with over 512 MB of memory. This makes these systems preload all skins, reducing hitches in network play. - no CD check! - fix for name table corruption crash (which caused the reproduceable crash reported when AccessControlClass=XAdmin.AccessControlIni in ut2003.ini, as well as other intermittent crashes)
Networking/Servers: - fixed occasional crash when switching levels for servers with bots - vampire mutator shows up in server settings - dynamic netspeed adjust to deal with connections with variable effective bandwidth. Can be turned off in the settings|network menu. - fixed distance fog based network relevancy culling. - fixed addnamedbot exec function. This is used by web admin, so adding bots through web admin now works correctly as well. - fixed client upstream bandwidth not always capped properly by server - added -nocheat parameter to commandline to disable cheat prevention - added ability to disable the security fix in networking (for testing purposes) [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] DisableKSecFix=True - only allow netspeed changes from console once every 15 seconds - server version displayed in server browser and ingame server info (F2). - fixed ghost players on server - fixed Invasion not ending if server side demo recording - fixed redirected download file size and percentage indicator - fix for players falling of ledges client-side only (so the client thought they were in a different place than they actually were - New Mutator function OverrideDownload giving servers the chance to override a redirect URL on a per-user basis, eg to give priority redirect access to your clanmates. - To customize bots without using the custom bot config menu, add a [UnrealGame.CustomBotConfig] section to your UT2003.ini. Then add lines like this one to the section: ConfigArray=(CharacterName="Gorge",PlayerName="The_Reaper", FavoriteWeapon="xWeapons.RocketLauncher",Aggres siveness=0.400000,Accuracy=0.000000, CombatStyle=0.400000,StrafingAbility=0.765789, Tactics=0.000000,ReactionTime=0.000000,bJumpy=True) where CharacterName = the bot character you are modifying PlayerName = the name to override the character name with All the AI settings range from 0 to 1, with 0.5 as the default value.