¿Somebody has tried the Driver T AA from Shinde Mac?
1. Install the glide2x and glide3x dlls in the appropriate directories.
2. Turn on vsync for Glide if temporal AA will be used.
3. Set desired AA mode (0, 2x, or 4x)
4. Run game
5. Press "Numlock" or "Keypad -" to cycle through the various AA modes.
6. Press "Scroll Lock" to start benchmarking. Counter will change color
to yellow.
7. Press "Scroll Lock" again to stop benchmarking. Counter will show the
average fps and revert to its previous color.
8. Press "Scroll Lock" for a third time to reset the counter. It will
now show the current fps.
AA modes:
Mode 2: TAA. There is no minimum threshold framerate so TAA will always remain on.
Mode 3: Stochastic AA, is just a novelty meant to show that it can be done on the Voodoo5 even though the results are not very good.
Mode 4: Which shakes the screen shows off a possible use for the T-buffer. This effect can be used to simulate an earthquake or something similiar to Doom3
when the user gets hit.