uhm about the Voodoo 5 6000 list some thing's aren't totally right hehe
here your list

09 3dfx Interactive Voodoo 5 6000 128MB SDR 166MHz AGP Comdex card
10 3dfx Interactive Voodoo 5 6000 128MB SDR 166MHz AGP Intel bridge chip (Rev. 1500)
11 3dfx Interactive Voodoo 5 6000 128MB SDR 166MHz AGP HiNT bridge chip (Rev 2600 A2)
12 3dfx Interactive Voodoo 5 6000 128MB SDR 166MHz AGP HiNT bridge chip (Rev 3400 A3)
13 3dfx Interactive Voodoo 5 6000 128MB SDR 166MHz AGP HiNT bridge chip (Rev 3700 A)
14 3dfx Interactive Voodoo 5 6000 128MB SDR 166MHz AGP HiNT bridge chip (Rev 3900)
the Comdex card is a dummy card the speed of the ram can not be stated.
Rev. 1500 should be --> Rev.A1 1500 as with all other Rev and date names:
So here all revisions and dates in the right order:
41-4999 [for dummy card since it never operated, no rev PCB for this card

Rev. A0 0700
Rev. A1 1500
Rev. A2 2600
Rev. A3 3400
Rev. A 3700
Rev. A 3900
The Rev.A0 0700 is missing [first Intel 4x1 & first working 4x1 model V6K]
not all Rev.A1 1500 run 166 Mhz some only run 100Mhz and 143Mhz. same goes to the Voodoo5 5000 PCI Rev.A0 4899 which also isn't listed

3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 AGP 128MB SDR 6ns Rev.A0 0700 Blank card:

3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 AGP 128MB SDR 6ns Rev.A0 0700 Printed card:

how I found out , well the 2000 3DFX INTERACTIVE INC. inprint is placed on the same place as Gary's card

here on the printed card:

the A0 0700 inprint on Gary's card is located on the same place as the printed one

so here a shot of Gary's Semi-Blank Rev.A0 0700 PCB date location, which I have circled, next to the date the Revision is also visable A0

that location is located on the back of the card at the tail's end, where I put the circle & arrow.

so that date is located exactly on the same place as one the printed Rev.A0 0700, circled that as well to show you the exact spot and location of the PCB date, I did enlarge the pic alittle 8)

the man that has theis printed card is called
http://www.forumzone.it/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=12086&FORUM_ID=40&CAT_ID=25&Topic_Tit...The Voodoo 5 5000 list is missing the 3dfx Voodoo 5 5000 PCI 32MB Rev.A0 4899 card which Osckhar has

Here his card

here the evidence of it's PCB date 4899:

the card Osckhar has is from this review
V5K PCI reviewthere they state it runs at core/mem 100mhz default speeds:
"The Voodoo 5 above is based on the version A0 VSA-100 silicon, it still has some bugs in it and it can't run on the speed that it's supposed to do. The final Silicon (which is going into mass-production quite soon) will run on 166MHz compared to the 100 MHz A0 version that was presented to me."