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Message started by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 14:43:02

Title: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 14:43:02
I need some stock photos for cards so I can sell them on ebay..I dont own a digital camera, so cant take my own pics. Can someone please help???

need pic for oem 5500 pci
box and card 3 2000 pci
box and card 3 3000pci

Title: Re: Help
Post by ps47 on 24.07.05 at 15:17:39
more than thousand pictures can be found here..

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 16:17:43
Thanx...I need to just break down and spend some money for a dang camera...lmao

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 16:54:35
btw gdonovan there was no need to be brash with your emails!!...And I wonder how many times youve cut and pasted the item specs from 3 dfx without their express written permission?...I can see by your interaction with other members on this board from time to time that your just one smarta$$ punk...when I was at your website the disclaimer didnt show on my browser because I didnt scroll down...I just went to the card section..but I guess you have nothing better to do than harrass people on ebay anyway because like I said your a smarta$$ punk!!

Title: Re: Help
Post by LuxKiller65 on 24.07.05 at 18:31:49

wrote on 24.07.05 at 06:15:57:
I am happy to see that we managed to keep our sense of humor ;D

I seen too many heated threads lately.

One more?

Title: Re: Help
Post by Eye-Q on 24.07.05 at 18:52:55

wrote on 24.07.05 at 16:54:35:
but I guess you have nothing better to do than harrass people on ebay anyway because like I said your a smarta$$ punk!!

??? What's your problem? gdonovan sometimes like to tease, but that's not meant in a bad way, that is only his way to show the people they shouldn't take everything so seriously...

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 19:06:21
The problem began with lack of knowledge on my part about listing rules and copyrights on ebay...Theres so much crap to read when signing up I must have skipped the part about using pictures from other people's websites without consent...Due to not having a digital camera I used pics of the same items I was selling on ebay from his site..When you go to his site on the left is a navigation bar and on the right is the main page...When you get to his site the main page on the right you have to scroll down to see the copyright rules hes posted..Since I saw the navigation bar on the right I scrolled it to "3dfx interactive"...I never saw where it prohibited using the pics there so I copied them to use for my auctions...Well he sends an email to me to remove the pics or hes reporting me...He could have said " I dont know if your aware or not but you cant use others pics and would you please remove mine"...No he had to be a smarta$$!...SO then I evidently made another ill/un-informed move and just used the editor and took his website name off the pics...My thinking was my gosh these cards all look the same so whats the big deal I will just remove the name...Well then he sends another smarta$$ email saying "did you think editing my pics would help the matter" and "reported to ebay for vilolations".....BRASH, RUDE, AND UNWILLING TO SPEAK LIKE AND ADULT TO A NEWBIE!!..My feedback was only 7 but a perfect seven and now this punk wants to stir the pot...some people need to really look at what thier values in life are ....video cards and thier pics are of little importance in the BIG PICTURE!!! get a life

Title: Re: Help
Post by gdonovan on 24.07.05 at 19:08:32

wrote on 24.07.05 at 16:54:35:
btw gdonovan there was no need to be brash with your emails!!....

I'm sorry your point is?

You were asked to remove pictures from your auctions taken from a site where clearly in the top of the FAQ section it states:


You then REMOVED the "thedodgegarage.com" logo from 2 of the pictures and reposted them and then called me "a d*i*c*k" when you were warned a second time.

Notice you were warned first, I just didn't fire off e-mails at Ebay (which is well inside my rights to do so without warning to someone using images without permission)

Who is the punk? At no time were you insulted like you have insulted me who has done nothing but follow through on what is posted on my own site.

Most websites have rules regarding use of images, claimed ignorence is no defense. I was fair enough to give you warning first (and not rudely either) since people do make honest mistakes.

Erasing the site logo and reposting the images after being warned isn't "an honest mistake"

Title: Re: Help
Post by edmundoab on 24.07.05 at 19:22:06
well there is 3dfx.ch for you to reference,

some won't be particular about their images,
i know for a fact I won't be.

should u find any interesting pics, go ahead and use it

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 19:27:19
Gary you were insulting just with your snobish smarta$$ tone in the emails...pure evidence of your lack of maturity in dealing with people...of coarse, we've seen this here much..I can past some convos here with janskajear if you like... IN a nutshell  your just brash and condenscending towards others PERIOD!!..Grow up..I admitted my mistakes out of maturity...and you?..Diplomacy works try it!!

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 19:29:42
Thanx edmondoab but I think I will just wait to see if Im still a member of ebay first. No need to relist if Im not...lmao...

Title: Re: Help
Post by edmundoab on 24.07.05 at 19:31:29
wow another words of war?
we just had a couple of ugly incident with heated thread arguments,
Falconfly won't be too happy to see this

in anycase,
hope you maintain your ebay account, it sucks to start from 0 feedback again.

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 19:34:30
lol....ED they can just delete me from here to no big loss I guess

Title: Re: Help
Post by FalconFly on 24.07.05 at 19:34:30

All I can say is, that Pictures taken by anyone else (regardless of their content) are subject to worldwide Copyright.

For many this is no concern, but if sufficient time has been invested e.g. to build a gallery or showcase of any kind, chances are increasing that the owner may not like the images being used without prior permission.

Now that alone (usually, unless accidentally picking e.g. commercial Imagery) normally does not constitute a hughe problem.

But removing the Logo or Watermark off Images clearly shows what I would call 'hostile intent', a determined action despite better knowledge. For this cannot be an accident, there's no excuse anymore for doing this at that point.

Reactions you get for doing something like this vary from 'less than friendly' statements by the owner, upto and not limited to receiving a letter from a lawyer.

AFAIK your EBay membership should not be affected by a single offense, but if I were you, I'd not repeat something like that.

For problems like this there is a proper Forum feature available *hint*

Title: Re: Help
Post by gdonovan on 24.07.05 at 19:38:06

wrote on 24.07.05 at 19:27:19:
Gary you were insulting just with your snobish smarta$$ tone in the emails...

Then post them.

The facts of the matter is you posted pictures on Ebay you had no permission to post in violation of Ebays rules and my site, you were *asked* to remove them and told why, you then removed the logos and reposted the pictures, were warned again and then rudely called me a d_i_c_k.

If you wish to continue ranting, then please do so but it doesn't change what happened.

At no point were you insulted yet for some reason continue to assail me for doing what?

Per FalconFly taken to private if you wish.

Title: Re: Help
Post by edmundoab on 24.07.05 at 19:38:06

wrote on 24.07.05 at 19:34:30:
lol....ED they can just delete me from here to no big loss I guess

I know,
but there are better ways then to see such an outcome.

no one is in favour of that

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 19:57:17
You started off writing condenscendingly, and threatening.

1)"Remove the picture or get reported to e-bay for violation of their rules.


You could have been a little nicer? Maybe more explanitory?..Yes I know you dont have time to be nice to n00bs..

I replied very nicely:

"Sure will...I thought because it had the owners name you could use them because it was like advertising for them. If they are yours then Im sorry. You probably know me from Falconfly's 3dfx forum as Hammer..If you do then you know Im n00b to voodoo cards as well...I dont own a digital camera so its hard at the moment to sell on ebay...Do you know where I can get some stock photos for voodoo cards?...Thanx"

then you replied:

2)Do you think editing out my website name is going to make things better!??

Auctions reported to Ebay as violation of terms.

Above I stated my thinking of why I thought there was no problem taking the name off....but instead of you using a little diplomacy or to help a brother out you decided to report me...Then YUP I called ya a d*i*c*k..

Point being with a little maturity and diplomacy from you (another ebay community member) all this could have been taken care of easily...I have/had  no intentions to steal anything from anyone nor break any rules...

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 20:04:09
I just saw falconflys wish to continue this privately so Im done here..Sorry all

Title: Re: Help
Post by gdonovan on 24.07.05 at 21:03:38
You should post the rest of the e-mail- It was explained to you very clearly why your were getting a warning.

Your response is below (same as above) odd you didn't reply like you were being communicated too in a threatening manner.

You then proceeded to alter the pictures and repost them, did you think I was going to respond with a candygram?

These e-mails are on file with Ebay since they were sent through their system.


Response from imagsusman
Item: 3dfx Voodoo 5 5500 PCI (5222833817)
This message was sent while the listing was active.
imagsusman is the seller.
Sure will...I thought because it had the owners name you could use them because it was like advertising for them. If they are yours then Im sorry. You probably know me from Falconfly's 3dfx forum as Hammer..If you do then you know Im n00b to voodoo cards as well...I dont own a digital camera so its hard at the moment to sell on ebay...Do you know where I can get some stock photos for voodoo cards?...Thanx

Title: Re: Help
Post by Hammer on 24.07.05 at 21:22:07
ah yes more proof of how much of a smarta$$ you are....as well as just cant respect falconfly's request to keep it private(more proof of stubborn im above all mentality)...your not worth anymore of my time piss off.

Title: Re: Help
Post by gdonovan on 24.07.05 at 21:29:15
This is from someone who brings up a private matter unrelated to the board, tries to drag other board business into this thread & tosses insults around casually.

You have no intrest in making it a private matter as you would already have sent a private message (which you have not and did not in the first place) and could have easily deleted your "last" post.

Sorry I'm not letting you off the hook since YOU dragged this out in public, not I.

You don't get it do you- You did something wrong and were called on it and now you are carrying on like a 5 year old who didn't get his own way.

Title: Re: Help
Post by st4r4m4m4 on 24.07.05 at 22:49:16
boyz and galz ain't this sad (and it's happening quite often lately) :-/

According to some book called "bible": god made humans the 6th day, the 7th he took a rest (instead of debugging)

Title: Re: Help
Post by gamma742 on 25.07.05 at 03:32:27

wrote on 24.07.05 at 19:57:17:
I replied very nicely:

"Sure will...I thought because it had the owners name you could use them because it was like advertising for them. If they are yours then Im sorry. You probably know me from Falconfly's 3dfx forum as Hammer..If you do then you know Im n00b to voodoo cards as well...I dont own a digital camera so its hard at the moment to sell on ebay...Do you know where I can get some stock photos for voodoo cards?...Thanx"

I think at this point you should have asked permission and he would have granted it to you as he has for other offenders in the past.

Removing his logo just added insult to injury >:(

Title: Re: Help
Post by edmundoab on 25.07.05 at 07:35:17
All in all,
if it was settled, then I hope he doesn't get his ebay account in trouble, a little forgiving would help from both parties

grant gary's request and get on with life
I know this discussion between the 2 of them are to be left privately from now on or better still end abruptly

we as other members would definately want to witness a mutual understanding in the end, for the sake of the community here

Title: Re: Help
Post by BFG3dfx on 25.07.05 at 08:23:13
there are to few 3dfx members left to lose 1, but we cant go around stepping on each other toes  either, if you want respect you have to give it,  if your new you might not understand it but, FalconFly, gary, 3dfxzone.it, they have all put alot of there time and money into there sites and i respect that every time i visit.

Title: Re: Help
Post by LuxKiller65 on 25.07.05 at 10:53:40
C'mon... just for a bunch of pixels...

*heated up thread*
*thermal pad and heatsink*
*thread cools down*


Title: Re: Help
Post by janskjaer on 25.07.05 at 17:46:01
If photos of any 3dfx items are requested by Hammer or any other forum users, I would be glad to help out and provide any 3dfx related/relevant photos of mine.  No consent needed. :)

The 3dfx community continues to shrink, as do 3dfx products in the limelight.

Therefore I believe it is advantageous to all of us to share what content we have left to keep it thriving.  :)

Title: Re: Help
Post by LuxKiller65 on 25.07.05 at 20:59:50
Great philosophy!


Title: Re: Help
Post by BFG3dfx on 26.07.05 at 01:51:59
well said janskjaer

Title: Re: Help
Post by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 26.07.05 at 03:24:29
you got point there Jan :) but Gary is right also, his pics are copy righted, so it is quite logic on his reaction :).

the community is grow'n I guess, don't so negative about it hehe, keep up the spirit within the Force and the 3dfx archives people we're not done yet even within a long shot ;)

Title: Re: Help
Post by edmundoab on 26.07.05 at 07:15:42
well I think the community has always been there
but some choose to be more passive,
some have alot lesser time to talk in forums.

but yes,
we should put in every effort to live up the spirit if there is a common goal to have 3dfx enthusiast continue to go strong with interest!

Title: Re: Help
Post by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 26.07.05 at 10:41:27
@ Edmundoab, I absolutely agree with you there ;)

The more 3dfx people the better things should get !

Remember The Force Will Be With You ...Always,

Ben Kenobi.

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