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Message started by SDX on 30.03.05 at 21:20:08

Title: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by SDX on 30.03.05 at 21:20:08
Just got my Voodoo 5 5500 PCI Mac edition for my PC   :D Finally... More than a year from idea till this moment...

I successfully flashed it with bios v1.18 (with DVI support), at least I'm typing this on my Voodoo 5  ;D Installed first the original Win2k 3dfx driver, then Amigamerlin 3.1 I have a setup with one monitor on VGA only, my standart GeFofce 2 Ti on AGP and the V5 PCI, so I can select witch video card to use in windows.

Now what I really wanted to ask is: I flashed a Mac card, so I want to be 100% shure that everything is working like in a regular V5 for PC. When my PC boots it shows that I have Voodoo 4 4000 (what a hell??) The best thing I coud find about my V5 was from Amigamerlin, it says that I do have bios v 1.18, 64MB of VideoRAM, Says "AMIGAMERLIN 3.1-R1 For Voodoo 5 5500 AGP" and I have a digital output option in drivers.
Is there a way to get a correct identification of my card, that both chips are active, the MHzs are ok???
Other thing-
I can not get a 3dfx splash screen to appear before my UT GOTY... It is set to run in glide, the glide splashscreen is enabled in drivers options, but nothing happens  :-/ Could this be because of I installed this UT back then I had only GeForce 2?

btw, does anyone know about that DVI out on my card, I heard that it doesn't work on PC anyway, does it? I have no way to test it, but I would like to know that

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by Eye-Q on 30.03.05 at 21:42:06

wrote on 30.03.05 at 21:20:08:
Now what I really wanted to ask is: I flashed a Mac card, so I want to be 100% shure that everything is working like in a regular V5 for PC. When my PC boots it shows that I have Voodoo 4 4000 (what a hell??) The best thing I coud find about my V5 was from Amigamerlin, it says that I do have bios v 1.18, 64MB of VideoRAM, Says "AMIGAMERLIN 3.1-R1 For Voodoo 5 5500 AGP" and I have a digital output option in drivers.
Is there a way to get a correct identification of my card, that both chips are active, the MHzs are ok???

Try Everest Home Edition (Display -> GPU), that should show the correct data.

wrote on 30.03.05 at 21:20:08:
btw, does anyone know about that DVI out on my card, I heard that it doesn't work on PC anyway, does it? I have no way to test it, but I would like to know that

My flashed 5500 PCI Mac works perfectly, even the DVI works. 8)

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by gamma742 on 30.03.05 at 22:44:14

My flashed 5500 PCI Mac works perfectly, even the DVI works.  

I have been told the DVI port is different on the MAC version. Are you using a MAC DVI monitor or is there an adaptor that can be had?

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by Eye-Q on 31.03.05 at 00:11:24
I have an Acer AL1721ms TFT, it's an ordinary TFT. DVI is DVI, it's a standard-interface. Maybe there aren't carried analogue signals but if you attach a digital device it should work.

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by NitroX infinity on 31.03.05 at 08:15:36


I don't think so;

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by gamma742 on 31.03.05 at 09:12:46
Thanks Nitro

So tell me, Top Left looks like PC and Top Right is MAC?

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by SDX on 02.04.05 at 12:32:24
cool NitroX infinity, very helpfull pic.  :) Now I can tell if the monitor will work with my V5 from a single glance on the connector, plus I now know how to tell if it supports analog, digital, Mac digital or both DVI modes  ;D Funny, it's so easy, but sometimes after telling things like this people start to think that you know EvErYthing, lol  :)

So far, I have these questions -

Why does it show "Voodoo 4 4000, bios 1.18" on system startup (the first pic on screen then comuter is turned on)??? I'm just affraid if both chips are working and is it normal?

what about Trilinear filtering? does it work on Voodoo5? in 32bit glide2? on http://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/3dfx/bestsettings/am30xp/am30xpdgl.htm they recommend to turn it off, while for GeForce2 everythere is recommended to turn Trilinear filtering on. Duh, triliner means image quality...

For now I use only Amigamerlin 3.1, are there Glide updates? I'm interested in better glide for UT, Unreal and Deus Ex. Does MesaFX change something where you use DirectX or Glide?

I still don't get a 3dfx splashscreen before UT...

Title: Re: searching for proof & stuff :)
Post by NitroX infinity on 02.04.05 at 12:59:43
Trilinear filtering is something you should only use on old games. I've tried it on newer games (post Voodoo 5 releases) and it just slows the games down to unplayable levels, possibly even worse than turning on FSAA.

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