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What are the best drivers? (Read 455 times)
YaBB Newbies

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What are the best drivers?
11.07.05 at 01:01:28
Hello I have a Voodoo3 2000 AGP running on a Windows 98SE, I want to update my drivers but I dont know what are the best or if they are compatible between differents drivers, because I see MiniGL, OpenGL, Mesa FX, WickedGL, Glide, 3dfx tools, the officcial drivers, 3dHQ, AmigaMerlin, Mikepedo...

I donīt know what of they are the best for me, and what can  install with what,

Iīm currently using GLSetup and the 3dfx tools

And other thing, Iīm thinking in overclocking the voodoo, it works on AGP at 143MHz and has the BIOS 1.00.01, what do you thing that I can do with it? will i need a cooler?
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #1 - 11.07.05 at 01:49:35
If you're running Win9x - AmigaSport 2.9 drivers Wink
For WinXP - AmigaSport 3.0XP Wink

Best mini-GL is WickedGL Grin

Best GL substitute for newer games is MesaFX 8)

Nuff said - now go and DL them! Cheesy
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #2 - 11.07.05 at 03:10:36
If you're running Win9x - AmigaSport 2.9 drivers Wink

For game compatiblity are these better than the latest reference drivers?

I haven't tried them so I don't know.

O-B-1, do these work well with Descent2?
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #3 - 11.07.05 at 07:23:14
VSA-100: Link
D3D: SFFT Alpha 29+ or AmigaMerlin 3.1 R-11
OpenGL: MesaFX
Glide: SFFT Alpha 29+ or AmigaMerlin 3.1 R-11

Avenger: Link
for newer games: SFFT & AmigaMerlin 3.1 R-11
for older games: 3dhq & AmigaSport
OpenGL: MesaFX

an english translated version for each test will be released in the future!
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« Last Edit: 11.07.05 at 14:18:52 by Chosen_One »  
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #4 - 11.07.05 at 12:17:33
For game compatiblity are these better than the latest reference drivers?

I haven't tried them so I don't know.

O-B-1, do these work well with Descent2?

well I didn't use them because my experience with Amiga Merlin 2.9 is really good allready, I think Descent 2 should be able to run fine with Amiga Sport 2.9 don't worry about that, Descent2 is software rendered afterall.

I've heard that  the experience from other people with AM2.9 is the best for Voodoo3 under 9.x in most old and new games combined, that's if you want to play old, you'll be able to do that with out probs and if you want to lay some newer ones it will run without any doubts and my experience with these drives is very reliable in anything in the whole glide era.
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« Last Edit: 11.07.05 at 12:20:17 by N/A »  
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #5 - 13.07.05 at 00:11:42
ok thanks to you all,

do ou think that it can by a good idea to update the Voodoo BIOS, I donīt know if Iīm going to see any change in itīs speed

and a question: why do you all have voodoo cards or even someone of you collects them?, i thought that they were too old to use to do the most of things, I only have it because I cant buy a newest card because any card with cooler is too bigger for my box and i cant pay to change all my computer, because I have a non-ATX mainboard, with a AMDk6-2 450mhz with only 3PCI and 3 ISA and the AGP for the Voodoo, currently im thinking in withdraw m TVReceiver card only to put a cooler in the voodoo and overclock it

PS: Excuse me for my bad english
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« Last Edit: 13.07.05 at 00:13:06 by Rarok »  
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #6 - 13.07.05 at 00:55:25
...and a question: why do you all have voodoo cards or even someone of you collects them?, i thought that they were too old to use to do the most of things...

well...welcome to the freakshow! look here
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YaBB Newbies

A Linux, my kingdom for
a Linux

Posts: 15
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #7 - 13.07.05 at 08:49:17
I asked because I saw that forum, I only have a standard Voodoo3 2000 and a Voodoo 2, and I ony keep the voodoo 2 because itīs old and anyone would pay a good price for it, and what about all these cards with 3 fancoolers? In the shops I never saw them
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Re: What are the best drivers?
Reply #8 - 19.07.05 at 12:12:32
Well the Voodoo2 normally never need cooling, some had heatsinks like the Gainwards, Canopus and Miro-Hiscore's did, but the most were bare, for extra cooling there were sets from Tenmax, Tenmax made special cooling for Voodoo1 through 5 Smiley

here the TenMax Stealth Cooler for Voodoo2:

Ask as many as you want, feel free dude Tongue , we are here to help each other and collect 3dfx cards and items ofcourse  8)
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« Last Edit: 19.07.05 at 12:17:58 by N/A »  
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