This video card rocks! Like my heatsinks? One for the back of the core was a PITA to cut down to fit.
Default speed 9800Pro ($213) 380 mhz core, 340 mhz ram
Default speed 9800XT ($400+) 412 mhz core, 365 mhz ram
Max *dead stable* speed my card- 435 mhz core, 376 mhz ram! That's about 10 mhz below on both where errors would start to be detected in ATI-Tool after a long run testing.
Falconfly is right- The rendering of these new cards is amazing! I loaded up MaxPayne2 last night and started a run through at 1024 x 768 x 32 with 2x AA and 6 X filtering and the graphics are just downright fantastic compared to the last card I played the game on.
Screenshots do NOT do these cards justice, the shifting reflections and fluid of play is fantastic.
Need to get some heatsinks on the DDR-400 ram next, they clear 120F while in use! Yikes.