This guide was written to help people find those 'interesting' 3dfx offers on eBay. This guide will explain step by step how to maximize your search results.
The images used in this guide are from the international site However, the steps discussed in this guide are also usable on other ebay sites; you just have to figure out what the option is in the native language of that eBay site.
All images are thumbnails, meaning that if you click on them, you'll get a bigger version. This is done so that people with a 56K modem (or less) can also read the guide without too much loading.
Step one (1)Open up your browser and go to (or any other eBay site).
Step two (2)Go to the advanced search, you can access it by clicking one of the links as shown on the image.
Step three (3)Type in a keyword (in this case 3dfx) and enable the option 'Search title
and description'.
Without this option enabled you get far less results than with the option enabled!
When using a different, more generic (less specific) keyword like 'voodoo' or 'q3d' (short for Quantum3D) you should also select the category in which you wish to search; I recommend 'Computers & Networking'.
Step four (4)Scroll down the page to 'Location'. By the option 'Items located in' select from the dropdown box, the option 'Any Country/Region'. This will make eBay search every eBay site in the world.
Step five (5)Scroll down to the bottom of the page and at 'Results per page' select '200'. This allows for better browsing but if you have a slow internet connection (56K for example) it might be wise to leave this at 50.
Next, press the search button.
Now, eBay might give you some error every once in a while that there were too many results, ignore this!
Use your browsers back button and press the search button again. Keep trying a few times untill you don't get the error. The same apllies when browsing through the search results and trying to go to a new page.
For those who are really new to eBay:
Below the search results you'll find links to other pages with search results.