PATIENCE, thanx for that link... the game works incredible good and smooth (1024x768 - Glide).
Now, I have new quests to finish
(I just created empty file named "robot.tbd" and put in the TBD folder... That's all, and game worked perfect!!)
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Metal Fatigue by Psygnosis
rating [8.5/10]
Good (juicy
) graphic, with very interesting efects (explosions, hovering vehicles..) Played at 1024x768 with Voodoo3 2k (8Mb), with no glitchez..
Story is very interesting too.. About three brothers ripped of in three fractions (3 campains) by crazy robot war. Manga/Anime influence in robot design is evident. Everywhare U look, you'll see somethin that reminds at those anime toons.
So, it's cool 3D strategy game that is worth playing it. All strategy stuff is there: resources, tanks, destroying enemy buildings, and most of all (new in those kind of games) "clashez of titans"... Robot fights.. done incredibly good, for game from 2000.
So.. I'm goin' .. to play it
C Ya!