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Message started by paulpsomiadis on 19.04.04 at 06:12:13

Title: UT and S3TC glitches...
Post by paulpsomiadis on 19.04.04 at 06:12:13
Okay people, it may be REALLY late (or early, depending on how you look at it), but it took me a LONG time to fix this - and besides it's useful info anyhow! ::)

Anyway, all of us using UT's S3TC textures have experienced the 'black textures' problem where a specific texture has not been masked correctly. :(

It's an easy fix to implement, just replace the S3TC .utx file with it's 'normal' equivalent! ;)

At least you can do this IF you know which ones to replace. ::)

Here's the ones I found so far (took me F***ING AGES!) :P

Problem 1: Using Oldskool Ampd to play the 'original' Unreal levels in UT. The 'brown mountains' that are part of the horizon texture on Nyleve's Falls (level 2) are incorrectly masked.

Solution 1: Replace the S3TC 'skybox.utx' with the 'normal' skybox.utx from UT CD1.
Problem 2: In 'DM-Viridian-TOURNEY' there is a skybox area with incorrectly masked 'brown mountains with mist at the bottom'.

Solution 2: Replace the S3TC 'indus1.utx' with the 'normal' indus1.utx from UT CD1.
Problem 3: Using Oldskool Ampd to play Illhaven Saga, the 'moon with lower right shaded' on the illhaven level (level 2) is incorrectly masked

Solution 3: Replace the S3TC 'shanesky.utx' with the 'normal' shanesky.utx from UT CD1.

That's all I found for now... :P

If everyone using S3TC textures does these fixes on their systems and finds any MORE 'black textures', just post a screenshot, along with the level it came from and I'll see what I can find. ;)

Better still, if YOU can find the fix for the 'black texture' you discovered, post a description of the problem and a solution to it as well! ;D

Anyhow, enough for now! :P

I'm knackered and going to bed now! :o

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