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General Section >> General Discussion >> It isnīt worth it

Message started by Fantasma on 03.12.03 at 23:51:40

Title: It isnīt worth it
Post by Fantasma on 03.12.03 at 23:51:40
It isnīt worth speaking about x3dfxgamers, all people knows what are they doing so donīt worry and be happy.

P.S: I think that people who insults other people (like the people of x3dfxgamers to falconfly) deserve no respect. >:(

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by beta on 04.12.03 at 01:35:40
Might I add that someone alluded to a certain driver being a top of the list download at voodoofiles.com, the only reason for this is that a certain other 'legitimate' driver was not submitted to this site for a long time... and when it was it took a while for it to be setup on the site (as ever).

Being top of the list there means precisesly nothing.

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Micha on 04.12.03 at 15:34:01
sorry guys, that's not the way the 3dfx community was meant...i don't really know what's behind all your problems but anyway! (i shall add this goes to both sides!)

ps@x3dfxgamers: we are a community, not communism!

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Rolo01 on 04.12.03 at 23:15:06
Its senseless to argue with them.
Say any word of criticism ( even constructive ) and you become insulted...
This is one reason I dont visit their forum anymore...

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Lecram25 on 05.12.03 at 03:24:37
x3dfxgamers =

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Lecram25 on 06.12.03 at 01:01:42

wrote on 05.12.03 at 20:08:50:
I haven't been here for a pretty long time, and haven't use that voodoo 5 for more than 7 months
but 1 thing i will never forget
x3dfx forum is probably the worst, most redicules, useless, unwelcome, unpleasant forum there is.
I doubt there is a more EVIL community than the one in x3dfx.
I do remmember when i first joined there i was accused of pretending to be somebody else ??? \= WTF
therefor, they decided to ban (WTF \=) me.
i never understood how or when they figured out that i am not the one they thought i am.
one thing is wiered though, i was never "unbanned" from that forum.
anyway if i needed anything at all I simply connected via a proxi.
I'll never understand those ppl.
1 thing is certain-> there are about 5-10 users that talk among themselves and ban anyone that has less than 500 posts in his profile.
Sad story.
All i hope is that they'll burn in hell for their crimes.
J/K  ;)
I also would like to add that falconfly's forum is the most usefull and helping forum there is.


We're talking about x3dfxgamers forum...not x3dfx

One's German, the other is mainly Amercian based...

Another thing, they banned you because they thought you were ElvIsAlive, because "PASSword" was another one of his 345756467647345697191 aliases. If you want, I can find out what the deal is. Give me till Monday...

Title: "Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by NuAngel on 06.12.03 at 19:21:01
PASSword, you were never banned.  Your username was taken by another member who was banned.  I checked IPs, I even wen  back through the logs dating back nearly three years to check everything.  The IPs check out with the Australian 'attacker' we were dealing with.

The account was banned with only two posts under it's belt, we would never do that to a new member unless we were able to check IP addresses and logs and confirm it was another, previously banned member.  Even users who come in with some heat, we give them a while to settle in, and see what type of person they normally are (it's well known that some people register on message boards for the first time, when they feel the need to respond to something that got their blood boiling, so we give everyone a fair chance to get their first load off their shoulders, then some time to cool down).

Either your username was taken, or if you registered under a different name and were banned, you were banned in a RANGE block, something we have no real control over, but we ask people that if it happens to not get angry, just contact us and we'll do what we can to solve it.

I have deleted the account with the username "password" - feel free to go to http://pub43.ezboard.com/bx3dfx and create a new account using that name.  If it remains "banned" - by any means, contact me and I'll do what I can.  We want to welcome anyone we can to our board.

BTW, hi, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to my personal Santa FALCONFLY!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by FalconFly on 06.12.03 at 19:24:24
hehe, welcome Nu ;D

(if this Thread continues like that, we might get a complete 3dfx re-union going in a week or so ;) )

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by NuAngel on 06.12.03 at 19:29:30
lol! :)  I'm all for it!  Maybe I should call some of the old SlackerCentral guys back, a lot of them were ol' 3dfxgamers folk! ;)


Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Fantasma on 06.12.03 at 22:42:16
Itīs nice to know

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by procerus on 07.12.03 at 00:43:57
Nice to see you here, Nu.  ;D

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by paulpsomiadis on 07.12.03 at 15:25:57
Heya Nu! ;)

Hmm...did you get your online handle from the 'NU' in Chrono Trigger (SNES)? ???

Just a thought... ::)

L8R! 8)

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by NuAngel on 07.12.03 at 19:30:48
Nope, only ever played ChronoTrigger one time, for about twenty minuts.  I sucked at RPG's.  lol

NuAngel's the name, it's been cut to Nu for short...  got my name when I didn't have one, but I was taking the place of an associate on the Internet calling himself "angel."  His buddys in that "clan" of sorts, said I could just be the New Angel...  within thirty seconds, NuAngel was born and I've had the name ever since. ;)


Title: Well, I tried...
Post by NuAngel on 08.12.03 at 23:32:53
Well...  PA§§word contacted me on ICQ insisting that I am a "gay bastard" and I apparantly hate him, after my good will gesture, and swears that he'll never rejoin the X3dfX community.  He also apparantly believes he has '1337 skills' of some kind because he used a "proxi" to view the message board (which you would only need if you were accidentally caught up in a range block, or banned by IP intentionally - which he was not).

So much for trying to put the past behind anyone.

Date : 12/8/2003    Time : 10:57 AM
From : PA§§word
i would like to add:
"drop dead"

Glad to hear from you, too!  See you soon! :)


Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Fantasma on 09.12.03 at 01:04:43
LOL :o

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by paulpsomiadis on 09.12.03 at 15:57:15
Hmm...okay then, I presume that 'NuAngel' has nothing to do with "Buffy - and - Angel" then! ::)

Heheheheh! ;D

L8R! 8)

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Lecram25 on 09.12.03 at 21:06:35
OMFG WTF? PASSword, I told you that I'd help you out, and I did. Hell, I even twisted Nu's arm to join this forum just to post in this thread. And all you did was insult the man? NOT COOL!  >:(

Before, I was very unhappy of all the things you were saying about x3dfx and how you were banned. But now I'm pleased that you've been banned, serves you damn right!

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by NuAngel on 10.12.03 at 21:10:15
Nope, no buffy crap at all.  lol

The post from PASSword is older...  although he says he has no interest in returning to the x3dfx forum, we have settled our differences in private.

Mucho gusto!


Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Fantasma on 10.12.03 at 23:58:09
Where are you from Nu?


Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Lecram25 on 11.12.03 at 23:15:55
Right here  ;)

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by NuAngel on 13.12.03 at 18:25:53
lol - lecram!   ::)

I'm actually from Pennsylvania USA, but I'm in the midst of learning Spanish, though not doing so well.   :-/


Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by Fantasma on 13.12.03 at 18:37:34

Title: Re: It isnīt worth it
Post by jandarsun8 on 16.12.03 at 03:52:14
Nothing against you Nu, or anyone else who actually came over here to post from x3dfx (I respect the fact that your here trying to bring peace to the boards and the community), but I do have to agree on some of the negative stuff said about that site. I've only posted a couple of times and 2 out of the 4, I've been blasted for something that I thought was legit stuff at the time. One was about a website posting, that I thought should be posted only to find out that I was a day or two late in posting it, and the other was for sticking up for Devo for something he posted (don't remember what it was about now). Both times I was attacked for no reason, and in my own opinion (noticed I said MY), the whole site as a general feel of being around 12 year olds who have nothing better to do.
If you notice, I don't post alot. This is my, what 7th post here? Yet I've been a member for over a year and half, maybe longer maybe less, so I don't normally post unless it's something that I know, need to know, or think I have some helpfull info. Because of that and the fact that alot of it is idle bullshit, I will not return to x3dfx. I wish you guys all the luck in the world but that site is not for me.

Again, this is my opinion only and my views on that site, and by NO means was this an attack on anyone personally from there.


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