Hello members of the 3dfx.ch-gallery.
At first, thank you for your uploads of images about 3dfx & quantum3d.
You could read it on the falconfly-forum. I needed to change the host
for your site.
The new host only allow to install the version 2 of your gallery to
work. -->
http://gallery.menalto.com/It's not a problem to upgrade the albums of the old gallery to the new,
at the moment I can say, it's done
The new works fine and all login-data are imported.
I'm going to change the DNS in the evening today (european time). And on
monday you have access to the new host.
But I can't guarantee that there all is ok in every album. It could be
that some settings changed.
Please check your albums and if there's something wrong, please let me
know that.
There's an important thing that I need to tell you:
You need tho renew all links which go directly to an image lik *.jpg or
other. I'm very sorry for this change.
The item directory has changed. I couldn't change it until now, because
the new gallery have an album directory of one's own.
But the gallery have a feature to translate URLs to albums.
http://www.3dfx.ch/gallery/3dfx_wallpapers/ <---will be --->
That means, if you use a link like the first, gallery will automaticly
forward the user to the second, in this case, it's not a problem.
I saw that some have "hidden"-items.
The new gallery haven't the feature "hidden". It's changed to the new
"Group Permissions" option.
Please have a look to your albums and if you don't need one, delet it.
It saves webspace and why not a little "spring clean"
That's all for the moment. If you have any questions, please send a mail
to: surrimugge@gmx.ch
Thank you very much and have a nice day