Komponent wrote on 03.12.13 at 22:07:11:I'm sorry, I have great respect for you, but this time you are wrong.
It's not about the power supply, it's about the signaling. The motherboard sends data in 5V logic to a 5V PCI slot. Yes, adding a power supply for VDDQ does make the video card to send data in 3.3V logic, but it will still receive 5V signals from the motherboard. That's the whole point why AGP2PCI has level shifters installed. Sure, it might work for the moment but it is not safe. Don't have to trust me, the creator of AGP5, REN, has warned about not using AGP5 in 5V PCI slots:
http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=cs&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=ro&ie=UTF-8&u=... Quote:What's the thread from Loeschzwerga who linkujes is bullshit. 5V mobo AGP.5 REALLY detonates card, I told you already 10x's host.
Well, REN is right about his comment about my post here:
Loeschzwerg wrote on 14.03.12 at 23:27:33:The adapter will work in PCI 5V and 3.3V slots
Why? Simply because the I/O voltage pins aren't used within Ren's adapter design
Take a look at the pinout:
http://pinouts.ru/Slots/PCI_pinout.shtml (difference between 3.3V and 5V PCI)
And now take a look at the eagle layout of Ren's adapter. The adapter does have it's own powersupply and it generates the 3.3V (needed for 3dfx cards) out of 5V provided either over a molex or via the PCI bus. No matter in what slot type you put that adapter in, the adapter always will support the AGP slot with it's own power supply.
So no problem from this side, the adapter won't kill your card
...but because I wasn't precise enough. He is right when he says that a PCi 5V only board will fry the card (or it simply doens't work/boot).
BUT! Most (if not all) more modern mainboards, that are PCI2.1/2.2 compliant will work with the selfmade adapter and don't harm the card. Why? Simply because the southbridges are designed to work with 3.3v cards even when they are keyed for 5V.
Want an example?
http://uk.ts.fujitsu.com/rl/servicesupport/techsupport/boards/Motherboards/Micro... Quote:Supports 3.3V/5V PCI bus Interface
Now, why does the original AGP2PCI adapter and the V4/V5 cards to have those signal shifters? Simply to be compatible to all older boards and configurations.