I'm stoked, The boxed card came in today from the Ebay auction- Not only is the driver disk correct it had the manual *AND* the card has 5ns ram!!!!
I'm going to try a little overclocking shortly and let you know if it runs at the rams rated 200 mhz speed.
Quake II results on P3-650 BX platform-
166 mhz = 84.5 FPS
183 mhz = 93.6 FPS
193 mhz = 98.1 FPS
195 mhz = 99.7 FPS
198 mhz = unable to finish timedemo
200 mhz = unable to finish timedemo
No sparkles on the screen during timedemos so I assume the core just will not run at those speeds.
Inital cooling provided by a spare 3500 heatsink and a Gamma Blower. Last certified V3 3dfx drivers used with 1024 x 768 OpenGL in Q2 control panel.
I think this one is a keeper (It would have been anyway, I forgot my other EK3 is a TV version), even with the normal fan cooled heatsink installed it only runs at 90F (33C) at 188 mhz
Now I'll I have to do is find a PCI version to round things out
Did they ever make a 143 or 183 mhz version of the card?