I'd say 250 Euro's would be normal
like the PPU the Physics Processing Unit card is also very speacial only not well supported yet.
250 Euro's would be a nice price
Do remember that the Voodoo5 6000 won't work on every Mobo, so that might be with the AGP5 card as well. so it still may be a large risk to use with a 6K, then again you could use a 5000 & 5500 AGP in it, though then I rather choose for a 5000 or 5500 PCI card, to get the same idea.
would a Voodoo5 6000 work wel in an ASUS A7V333-R Rev.1.02 in the AGP port, well answer in no, I wounder what the answer will be with the AGP5, this is one of the things I fear when useing a V6K wel over the 1000 Euro's with a converter card which isn't that well known for use in such a bord.
so even if it would cost like 800 euro's for as en example and you use your 6000 with it on a bord where the 6000 would not cope in the original AGP port of the mobo it's self and that the 6K will die in the AGP5 port that is alsways a risk which still might be in the way.
The HiNT chip is very fragile, if the card dies because the the mobo it's in with the AGP5 adapter we are still nowhere. Who knowns what will happen with a Voodoo5 6000 AGP in the AGP5 on a ASUS A8R32MVP Deluxe bord, I'm not so sure on how that will pack out, wil the 6K fail or will it just proceed?
I just hope it's 100% fail safe.