YaBB Newbies
that's kinda personal... right?
Posts: 1
FrozenWasteland, AK
is she givin up the ghost? will she pull through, doc?
v3x3k PCI actin funny... treated kindly post acquisition, worked flawlessly for some time... now, not so much.
only every other line (vertically) of ASCII is rendered, even during initial post, 98logo screen has small, vertical, non-rendered lines, desktop 100% non-rendered. unless you move the mouse. then it occasionally flashes cool random blocks of color. sweet, huh?
card isolated by migrating between 3 computers/monitors
1st sign of trouble was (in old vaio where it had been living for a few years) text in the quake2 console was all missing chars all over the place, as well as status bar. all else worked fine. now, not even that. it feels pretty toasty after being on for a fairly short period (~5min)
tried flashing bios, no change.
any ideas/sound familiar?
oh yea! it's #210-366-001 exactly like falconfly's reference pic (except my product of mexico sticker has come unglued) and no overclocking or wierd abuse has taken place (on my part, at least)