Sale has ended!
That was the last sale!
So please all winners of all sales send me an email to
Please give me your complete adress and tell me whether you want to pay with PayPal or Bank wire Transfer!
Please include your Username from this Forum in the subject of the mail. Winners:
4500 AGP (EU) (boxed) 30€
Powercolor Evilking 4 AGP TV-Out (V4 4500) 15€
Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (defective #2) 11€
Voodoo TV FM (boxed) 20€
4500 AGP (USA) (boxed) (notice: it has a 3900 PCB Date! Latest i have ever seen on 3dfx V4 and V5) 40€
Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (working) 25€
Powercolor Evilking V2 12MB (the two TMU's have post STB 3dfx Logos, card dated 0010!) 20€
Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (defective #1) 8€
Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (defective #3) 11€
Voodoo TV 100 (boxed) 50€
Voodoo 3 3500 AGP (No TV Tuner - Compaq OEM - BIOS 2.15.05) 10€
Voodoo 3 3500 AGP (No TV Tuner - Compaq OEM - BIOS 2.15.02) 10€
4500 AGP (EU) (boxed) MP:20€

4500 AGP (USA) (boxed) (notice: it has a 3900 PCB Date! Latest i have ever seen on 3dfx V4 and V5) MP:30€

Powercolor Evilking 4 AGP TV-Out (V4 4500) MP:15€

Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (working) MP:15€

Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (defective #1) MP:7€

Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (defective #2) MP:9€

Powercolor Evilking 4 L-Type (defective #3) MP:11€

Voodoo TV 100 (boxed) MP:30€

Voodoo TV FM (boxed) MP:25€

and this is what i have just found:
Voodoo 3 3500 AGP (No TV Tuner - Compaq OEM - BIOS 2.15.05) MP:15€

Voodoo 3 3500 AGP (No TV Tuner - Compaq OEM - BIOS 2.15.02) MP:15€

Powercolor Evilking V2 12MB (the two TMU's have post STB 3dfx Logos, card dated 0010!) MP:15€