The cheap stuff is about $3.25 a gallon with high octane running close to $4 in this area.
A few weeks ago regular was $2.60
Before comparing consider that there is many, many more miles of highways in the US compared to other countries so from a tax perspective the government makes more money via volume.
My van (which gets 24 mpg, the Spirit pulls in 33 mpg, both turbocharged of course) a fill up is $44, now the same fill up $55.25
So that's once a month pulling an extra $44-$55 out of the wallet along with the prices of everything else going up.
Yup, I use to average 400+ miles a week driving, deliverys, shipping, daughter to school, etc.
I'm glad I converted the van to 5-speed, it use to get 17 with the automatic