On the subject of Dell's I was talking to my frined that has a brand new Dell laptop....
GothImportKiller (8:35:31 PM): want to see the funniest thing ever?
GothImportKiller (8:35:34 PM): x2
nowag99 (8:35:39 PM): i guess
nowag99 (8:35:55 PM): although my comp will prolly shut off soon
GothImportKiller (8:35:58 PM): lol y?
nowag99 (8:36:03 PM): this damn thing is broken already
GothImportKiller (8:36:13 PM): LOL
nowag99 (8:36:15 PM): the screen just shuts off and $hit
nowag99 (8:36:18 PM): fu*king dell
GothImportKiller (8:36:20 PM): HAHAHA
GothImportKiller (8:36:27 PM): ROTFLMFAO
GothImportKiller (8:36:48 PM):
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/winrg.phpGothImportKiller (8:37:01 PM): its intereactive and funny as hell, you would appreciate it right about now
GothImportKiller (8:37:26 PM): this one is 30 minutes long but it will make u lyao
GothImportKiller (8:37:27 PM):
http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/demented.phpnowag99 (8:38:28 PM): already happening
nowag99 signed off at 8:45:34 PM.