Hi Osckhar ,Jedi Master Kenobi here,
Sloomy's card is infact a Rev.A1 3300 to be precise, togeather with Thandor, a dutch 3dfx friend of mine, we have took these various 5500 AGP x4 cards in discussion and we both took a close look at them.
here is what we found, and yes 3 different types :
3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP x4 Rev.A1 3300:
3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP x4 Rev.A2 3700:
3dfx Voodoo5 5500 AGP x4 +DVI Rev.A2 3300, this one was planned as VoodooMAC 5500 AGP
, only this sample had a PC Bios and infact it is the only 5500 AGP x4 with DVI known:
okay here are the three cards, look and compare carefully thier D-Sub sections, behind the D-Sub section of the Rev.A1 3300 there is a black chip missing while the traces are very well vissible, on the Rev.A2 3300 with DVI on that spot there is a long slender rectangulair black chip, dunno what that is for though.
the Rev.A2 3700 has some aspects also where as the Rev.A1 3300 differs from, here I will explain them one by one.
The Rev.A1 3300 first difference is that it's from week 33 year 2000 and the Rev.A2 is from week 37 year 2000, well that is the most common and most easiest difference, BUT there is more
The Rev.A1 3300 has different ram, and the communicator chip is also different, one of your other Rev.A2's has no MOSFET at the card's end next to that MOSFET there is a hole, every 5500 AGP and PCI have that hole and normally there is a MOSFET.
The top Voodoo5 5500 AGPx4 Rev.A2 3300, the one under the Voodoo5 6000, show's this difference very well, compared to the other Rev.A2 3300 from Rolo01:
and here Rolo01's Rev.A2 3300 as for the difference I'm trying to show you:
As you can see there are also some condensators and other small chip like thingies missing. as for the Rev.A2 3300 under the 6K and the Rev.A2 3700 with DVI under that, but the Rev.A2 3300 defect card looks more like the Rev.A1 3300 from Sloomy, maybe the defect card is one of the very first Rev.A2 3300's made, rather odd, same production date only it's a rev.A2 and not Rev.A1.