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Message started by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 11.03.05 at 23:09:46

Title: bad news.
Post by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 11.03.05 at 23:09:46
Dear people

I won't be online for one or two weeks from now

I went to the hospital for my right eye, there seems to be a Virus in the iris of my eye , how it got there is unknown, though the doctor's said that I was just in time if I came two days later I could of lost my whole right eye.

you all do have a right to know this just to be sure of things, because this forum means lots to me like all of you do.

Affraid I still am, have to take 9 drops of eye medicine per day, and it's better than an opperation, if the medication fails I must be at the hospital this upcom'n wednesday.

If there is more news I will let you know. Affraid I am, just wish I could find a better way out.  :-[ :-[ :-[

May The Force Be With You all, my friends.

Friendly Regards,

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by akula65 on 11.03.05 at 23:22:26
Sorry to hear that.  Hope you have a speedy recovery.

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by FalconFly on 11.03.05 at 23:47:47
Hm, that's very bad to hear.

I hope you get back healthy real soon !

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by gamma742 on 12.03.05 at 00:57:42
Very sorry to hear that, eye trouble hits close to home with me. I have granular dystrophy of the cornea, it is a rare hereditary disease that progresses over time. I am fortunate that I am still 20/20 correctable with glasses. My mother is not so lucky, she has already undergone corneal graphs (very painful) to retain her drivers license. She said she won't do it again, too painful.

a link to see what I have. http://dro.hs.columbia.edu/granular2.htm Click on the second (smaller) image to see what my mothers eyes look like. I'll be there in 20 years.

Praying for a speedy recovery for you Obi-Wan

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by paulpsomiadis on 12.03.05 at 07:20:02
Hope yoy recover soon @Obi_Wan! ;)

I also had an eye infection and almost lost my right eye due to this (some ten years ago now...) :o

I went on a course of STRONG antibiotics and the problem was eventually sorted. :-/

Now I always take really good care of my eyes! 8)

@Gamma742 - whoa! Tough break man! :o

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 12.03.05 at 15:14:45
thanx everyone, I could keep away from the board, the medicine seemed to bbe working though I'm not so sure, we'll see a few days futher on, during the  one and ahalf hour research I even fainted there :X

anyway the black spot is an infection in my iris, and it seemed to be caused by the new mutated version of Mumps desease I had a few days ago, though it still seems that that mumps type of virus is still visible and there maybe a come back of it, I hope not I hate hospitals already.

@ Gamma742, sorry to hear that about you mom, take good care of her, so recovery is not possible or is there still a way?

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by LuxKiller65 on 12.03.05 at 17:05:19
In few words, without any useless sentences:

I hope you'll get back to normal very fast! May Descent be with you!


Title: Re: bad news.
Post by gamma742 on 12.03.05 at 17:22:46

@ Gamma742, sorry to hear that about you mom, take good care of her, so recovery is not possible or is there still a way?

My grandmother received cornea transplants, that gave her another 15 -/+ years before she went totally blind, pasted away in a nursing home shortly after her 100th birthday. My mother tried a different route PRK laser surgery about 5 years ago. This was the old version of corrective (lasik) surgery. It got her back on the road (drivers license) but she may not pass the eye exam next time.

This condition seems to be unstoppable. It's a pretty rare condition so it doesn't get alot of medical R&D. All the R&D seems to go toward Lasik and the new WaveFront tech. in the Eye  field. This gets the best return on investment. Hey this is the US, it's all about the money. Rare conditions won't get any funding.

One of my sisters is not 20/20 correctable but the rest of us are doing Okay. With this condition it's only a matter of time. We all have it. (6 sisters).

They say that the by 3rd or 4th generation the cycle should break. Hopefully my daughter won't get it. So far none of my nephews and nieces have it. (oldest 30) So that's a good sign since it shows up in your mid 20s.

Well Obi Wan, Try to restrain your self from the uncontrollable urge to get on-line. I know I speak for all of us here when I say we want you to have a speedy full recovery.

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by LuxKiller65 on 12.03.05 at 17:53:16
That is really bad. Eye problems are a real nightmare. I never used to think about it until I had to wear glasses and I found out having healthy eyes was great. I mean, it's like some philosophers said: happyness doens't exist, it's just when you don't feel bad and you don't have no pain anywhere that you think you're happy. But as soon as you have something, you realize how good it was when you had nothing. At least it is a great thing that upcoming generations won't carry what you do.


Title: Re: bad news.
Post by fish on 14.03.05 at 23:10:02
Good luck and I hope you'll recover soon. Also have a friend who has really bad problems with his eyes. But the doctors can't find anything. :(

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 14.03.05 at 23:38:13
thanx Fish and yeah at first they didn't know my problem also, it seemed to be a symptom of my 9 week old Virus I still have, they first thought it was mumps, but no it wasn't they could see in my DNA structure that I did have Mumps about 26 years ago  :-/ but I thought that that unknown virus left me 4 weeks ago, well it's still in me, and they still don't have a clue on what it is, sometime I sense my life will be short, but let's not hope for the worst. Be positive we must stay.

my right eye has an infection behind the Iris which causes a black dot moveing with the direction you look at, on my left side of my face there are red scars, and tere is a lump under my left eye, this is getting more scary day by day, though the black dot got less, I'm still very unsure what's going on, but I want more sureness, rather sure on what I have than wonder everyday and I'm sick of wondering and worrying :(

Lets us hope that the Hospital isn't hideing something I don't know yet. I fear that every day.

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by OutOfRange on 15.03.05 at 20:33:42
hope everythin comes fine  :-/

wish you recover fast to good healty  :)

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by Obi-Wan_Kenobi on 17.03.05 at 10:38:06
Good news everyone, yesterday I went to the Hospital and did a checkup on how things were go'n, and my doctoers said that the medicine is wordking verywell and that I only need 4 droplets a day :)

They said that we are on the right track, til next Wednesday :) he replied with a smile.

Title: Re: bad news.
Post by paulpsomiadis on 17.03.05 at 17:23:59
Glad to hear you're recovering! ;D

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