Seven (7) cards still go unconfirmed. Please help out here
= Confirmed
= Confirmed, missing/uncertain specifications
= Uncertain, could or could not exist
* = see note about this card
3dfx Voodoo 4 4000 VSA-100 AGP ??MHz 16MB SDR
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 PCI 166MHz 32MB SDR
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 PCI 166MHz 32MB SDR DVI
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 PCI 166MHz 32MB SDR DVI/TV out
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 PCI 166MHz 32MB SDR DVI (Mac)
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 AGP 166MHz 32MB SDR
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 AGP 166MHz 32MB SDR L-Card
Boots as; V4 4800
3dfx Voodoo 4 4500 VSA-100 AGP 166MHz 32MB SDR DVI/TV out
3dfx Voodoo 4 4800 VSA-100 AGP 166MHz 64MB SDR
Card exists but which core it has is argued about.
I believe it has a VSA-100 core since it's on a photograph with VSA-100 only cards. See here. Daytona:-
IBM Voodoo 4-2 4200 VSA-101 PCI 143MHz 16MB DDR DVI
3dfx Voodoo 4-2 4?00 VSA-101 PCI 143MHz 32MB DDR DVI
3dfx Voodoo 4-2 4?00 VSA-101 AGP 143MHz 32MB DDR TV out
3dfx Voodoo 4-2 4?00 VSA-101 AGP 143MHz 32MB DDR DVI/TV out
* Questioning this card's existence.
There are two Napalm versions (AGP/PCI) which have DVI & TV out.
Might have confused the AGP version for this one?
3dfx Voodoo 4 4?00 VSA-100 AGP ??MHz ??MB SDR DVI
3dfx Voodoo 4-2 4?00 VSA-101 PCI 143MHz ??MB DDR TV out
3dfx Voodoo 4-2 4?00 VSA-101 AGP 143MHz ??MB DDR DVI
* Thinking out loud; are there PCI TV out and AGP DVI Daytona's?