Quote:I just finished writing a 2000 word reply to Patience and Andrei and the darn thing said this name is being used by someone else, when I tried to post it. Are you sure Windows XP is not running this Forum. Man, I hate to type all of that over again. I'll try and make it short. (1)I like window 98SE, it was installed on my computer when if bought it in 1999. I hate XP, but it has some very good points. XP is just not a OS for a one person computer. In my opinion, it is designed for more than one person to be able to use the same computer and have separate file, etc.... However, those restrictions that are in XP to protect the other user drives me up the wall. But, what other newer system is there for the lone user. Windows ME, or Windows 2000 pro. I have heard horry stories about them. So Window 98Se ain't that bad. I don't know what to do. One thing I am going to do is, I'm going to purchase that video card. I checked and my monitor's optimal preset resolution is 1024X768 at 75Hz. My computer, and maybe the default resolution for XP is set at 800X600 and 85Hz. That's not to bad, but I have a digital camera and I do a lot of picture work. 800X600 isn't to good for reall good photo's. The way I see it is, if I buy this new Voodoo3 3500TV I know I'm probably going to have problem with the TV part using XP. That TV part is an extra to me. I would like better resolution first and if the TV works, that's a plus. Like I said, all I have to lose is maybe $16 to $18 dollars. It won't be the first time I've bought something I could not use. Or I could just junk the whole system and buy a Mac.........Just kidding.
Thanks so much for all of you two folks help. Patience and Andrei. You really have made my day. I was about to give up on Forum's because most people in some of these forum's are really not there to help. Just like Dell. If you aren't a gamer and if you don't have a gaming question, forget it.
Thanks again,
8) ???
The TV part might not work properly on XP, but you can run resolutions as high as 1920x1536, in 32 bit color depth (good for photo editing programs), and the image quality will be very good.
The recomandation for 16 bit color depth was regarding the best possible quality to view movies, and play games, but since you are into photo editing, use 32 bit with no problems, and enjoy the Voodoo3. The speed of the video card (2D) will make you a good surprise, both at low and high resolutions.
Hope is that you will enjoy your new Voodoo. Any more questions are welcome regarding the features and usage of this card.