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My 3dfx Website (Read 2030 times)
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My 3dfx Website
16.03.08 at 17:21:09
Hello Everyone,

I am in the process of making a 3dfx website of my own.  I am posting this now mainly to hopefully get some input before I get too deep in the project.  Please feel free to give me ideas, hints, suggestions, etc. Maybe I will even get some constructive criticism..  Wink

As you will see, it is not very far along, and I am not that good with HTML.  ( I had to remove all frames from the site so that it would not be filled with ads/banners )  

So let me know what you think. Thanks!!

[Click the image below]


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« Last Edit: 08.04.09 at 20:10:23 by rottentreats »  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #1 - 16.03.08 at 20:33:22
@rottentreats - can you add a 'normal' URL to your post... Wink

Zonealarm blocks the image! Roll Eyes
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #2 - 16.03.08 at 20:41:12

at the moment there are no cards only this picture
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WWW 233274082  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #3 - 16.03.08 at 22:58:46
Sorry about not adding just the url, seemed to slip my mind  Roll Eyes

I will be taking pictures very soon and uploading them tonight.  Right now I just am getting the layout of the site ready and testing functionality.  I think I will be adding a few links also, such as an "about me", and one for "my 3dfx gaming rig".

 Not sure what else I would be missing... I really am open for ideas if anyone has any...

EDIT: camera died and GF is being needy... Sad I guess this will have to finish it later Sad

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« Last Edit: 17.03.08 at 01:00:02 by rottentreats »  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #4 - 17.03.08 at 02:06:27
Hm, from personal experience, a few advices - or basically questions you'll have to answer for yourself :

- What shall be the goal of your Site ?

This can be Drivers, Support (HowTo's, in-depth information, Detail Hints and Tricks, special subjects), Image Galleries, Patches or something else.

It will also define what audence is targeted, shall it be special insights not covered anywhere else or Information not found anymore elsewhere, or rather "mass media" for a broad audience.

Depending on how big this is supposed to get, Tripod (or any other Freehost) often turns out insufficient quite fast (traffic limits, filesize limits, Quality of Service etc.). A Dedicated Site with your own domain is usually the only solution in the long run.

Depending on how defined the content of the site it, will also result in a corresponding amount of visitors. I've seen many generic, small Sites that came and vanished, because they didn't offer anything that wasn't already available on the established, bigger Sites - these just draw most visitors to themself. In the long run, any Site can only become successful by Quality, offering something that isn't available elsewhere.

Finding the proper anwers to these comments should save you from investing alot of work, which results (worst case) may turn out to be disappointing.

IMHO, the perfect 3dfx Site has a bit of everyhing :
- Downloads
- Images
- Galleries with narrative/explanatory Text
- Historical and Tech Data
- Modern Layout and Navigation

You'll quickly find that all established Sites have some of all above, but still lack something. "Filling the gaps" is usually a good start and a solid way to achieve visitor counts.
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« Last Edit: 18.03.08 at 11:31:12 by FalconFly »  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #5 - 17.03.08 at 08:51:17
Thanks for the advice FalconFly.  For now, I think my site is mainly going to be used to display my collection.  ( I don't plan on heavy traffic or anything.. dont even have any metadata)  Maybe in the future I will host some downloads/files, or even have tutorials/etc. 

Speaking of which, I have now updated the "Boxes & Cards" section along with the "Quantum3D" section.  I still have a lot of work to do, and I am still getting use to doing all of this work. ( it is actually time consuming  Shocked

I was wondering if you guys could tell me how the speeds are...  As far as pages/images loading goes.  I am using ImageShack for image hosting, and it seems fast on my end.. but it might not be elsewhere..

Questions/Comments are still accepted.  Wink

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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #6 - 17.03.08 at 19:19:52
Looks good so far but I would really look at Falcon's suggestion. There's hosting sites out there that are cheap. I'm using Parcom.net for hosting my own site and it's 11.99 every three months with 3 gigs of space, 300 gig's bandwidth usage each month, 1000 email address's. Not a bad price for 4$ month. 9.99 for a domain name for the year and it's all actually not that much considering the headaches that you won't have with having a free site.
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #7 - 17.03.08 at 19:48:02
Thanks for the feedback guys.  After thinking about what I want to accomplish, and who my targeted audience is, I think I am just going to use the site to display my collection. 

So that will be my little place on the web where I can put pictures of my 3dfx things.  (kind of like exxe's site) Maybe someday it will evolve into tuts/downloads, but for now I think tripod/imageshack will do.  Free is always good, and there is enough functionality there... its just html. 

Update: The site is now completely up to date with everything I have. There are a few things being shipped and I will put them on the site when they arrive. 

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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #8 - 20.03.08 at 04:49:23
So... I have figured something out over the last few months...

3dfx >= Cocaine

[not that I would know what cocaine is like...]  Shocked

I don't jump on every 3dfx thing I find... but sometimes I feel as if I do not have any control over it.  Last night I bought a box, and then I told the seller that I was a collector.  Then he told me he had a few more 3dfx boxes/cards in mint condtion.  5 minutes later I had 3 boxes/cards being shipped my way... And now this morning, I just won another auction... it's kind of funny how fast $250 can disapear  Cheesy  Some people call me crazy, and you know what, I LIKE IT!

BTW: I put some background music on the "Enter" (index.html) portion of my website.  No one will probably listen to it... but its there if you want to give your ears a listen Smiley


***EDIT*** -

I just updated the site with a few pics of my latest piece, my Voodoo4 4500 PCI with BOX!!!   Grin  It is in awesome condition is has helped me get one step closer to completing my collection Smiley  

BTW: How rare is a US VoodooMAC 4500 PCI Box/Card?? I don't think I have ever seen one...
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« Last Edit: 20.03.08 at 22:52:34 by rottentreats »  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #9 - 21.03.08 at 21:59:41
Nice Work man !

Looks nice !

3dfx will live forever  Wink
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WWW m14radu  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #10 - 27.03.08 at 23:18:26
Ok Guys... Got a few questions for ya... I received a few boxes today, and there were some oddities...


Click link below if image is loading too slow -

This is a factory sealed blue V3 3000 AGP!! What is up with that?  Also, you will notice that "3000" and the "x" are not
, like they should be, but white!  (It is the box on the bottom obviously, I put the one on top so color could be compared)  Don't know what to say or think about that...



This is a brand new card suposibly, but one of the little thingys was broken off.. The seller put the card in the plastic insert upside down and backwards, it wall all messed up.   If you see the picture below can you tell me if I should soldering the little thingy back onto the board in the location where it appears to have broken off?  Is the card functional like this? [ don't want to test it and maybe fry it or something ]  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(Box pictured above, the top one)
Click link below if image is loading too slow -

thanks guys,

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« Last Edit: 27.03.08 at 23:41:33 by rottentreats »  
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #11 - 27.03.08 at 23:40:40
1) Cool box! That is odd! How unique!

2) It will run without it (I have a test board with all of them busted off) and it is easy to reattached if you are inclined to do so.
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #12 - 28.03.08 at 05:14:37
Sure it will run without it...

But for electrical safety purposes, it's better to reattach it.

Remeber it's an electrolytic capacitor - so be sure to get it the correct way round or it will POP!

(from what I can see, just match the shape to the silkscreen on the board. Also, all electrolytic caps have the negative end marked)
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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #13 - 28.03.08 at 05:28:46
Ok, so just solder the capacitor on the same way as the other caps on the card? with the text upside down?  Silkscreen?

Wont be able to do it for a few days - just bought the iron a few minutes ago Smiley

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Re: My 3dfx Website
Reply #14 - 28.03.08 at 11:29:21
paulpsomiadis wrote on 28.03.08 at 05:14:37:
Sure it will run without it...

But for electrical safety purposes, it's better to reattach it.

Long term stability issue I think, nothing bad will happen if it is missing.
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