Whoo! UT is working nicely with the NEW MesaFx!
Ookay...time for some feedback...
GLITCHES (minor)1. There's still a 'small' glitch during the intro sequence for UT.
The 'green' lights on the Liandri building show up as all WHITE!
[Edit #2: - tested the new MesaFX and the above glitch is GONE. Kudos again Daniel!]
2. Turning on temporal AA results in a loss of mouse pointer in UT.
[EDIT: - mouse pointer can be regained by minimizing and maximizing the game after enabling TAA]
But these are minor bugs considering the HERCULEAN efforts that Daniel has put into the driver...
SUGGESTIONSAnother idea is to add a "TemporalAAMultiplier" value similar to that done by Radeon Cards.
This would allow for selecting the number of AA methods to choose from, thus reducing flickering at lower res/refresh rates.
e.g. 1 =TAA Off, 2 =Two AA methods, 3= Three AA methods
Just a bit of food for thought...