hmm Rev.A1 2300 it is then that is very old for a PCI model osckhar, hmm this is could indeedly be the first operatimg 5500 PCI Congrats mate!
well the dates of the common Voodoo5 5500 PCI are the following:
Rev.A1 2700 most less common since it is older as lesser people have this old rev.
Rev.A1 2900 most common
Rev.A1 3100 not so common for production model of Voodoo5 5500 PCI
for the Voodoo5 5500 PCI Macintosh there are the following rev's and dates
Rev.A1 2500 these have black DVI's only made as prototypes
Rev.A1 2900 this is a prototype pre-production revision which has a white DVI as some other production models do have this Rev + PCB date as well.
Rev.A1 3100 most common Rev+ Date for Voodoo5 5500 PCI Macintosh
My old nick used to be the "Rev. God" that feeling still get's me go'n hehe