Hey guys,
last week, a colleague of mine said he may have spotted some old hardware in a recycle shop near his house, so I asked him to keep a look out for any 3dfx stuff.
Today he dropped by with 1 card, pitty he didn't find more.
Anyways, the pcb has the following to say:
210-0380-001-A0, which is a Velocity 100 8MB
PCB date is 3599, no need to explain that.
And on the front of the card, in the upper right cornor, it says rev A and the in white box next to it a big 3.
I think it's a compaq part, but dunno for sure, there is a sticker on there, with a barcode and A02595 on it, anyone have a clue??
Will ofcourse post pics tonight.
But, the ram it has, is 5.5ns Siemens SGRAM, rated for 183Mhz, which ofcourse is pretty sweet.
The exact markings are:
HY839S1632(QTQ or OTQ??) 5-5
9937 U37513
Gonna take it home tonight and see if it works. If not, maybe someone will want it for the 183Mhz sgram??