I've done some more hardcore-testing, taking Vista all the way down to the roots.
- Disabled Autostart for
all Services that are not required for starting the OS (still allowing it to start them when required, which ironically it failed on User Account managing, Sound Output and the Aero GUI)
It is now running with a mere 20 of its 127 (!) default Services.
16% leaves the OS with all normal functionality, that's quite a record.
The result :
Now stripped of
all unneeded overhead, but also taken away the opportunity to steal as much RAM as it wants, the effect was quite...
still takes (without any Prefetch Cache) a whopping 500MB+ RAM.
It is
slow, oozingly slow, now being forced to run like WinXP or any other Windows.
Being apparently written in an unprecendented level of unoptimized garbage debug code, it
depends on caching so many System functions, as operating it in the same manner as all other Operating Systems would basically be nothing less than a pain in the arse even on high-end Hardware.
Now feels
alot safer but about as fast as a feature-packed, aged WinNT install on a 64MB RAM system running off a cheap 4GB IDE Drive (until used Apps are cached of course)

Note : all while running off a 2.5GHz Quadcore with 4GB RAM and 250GB HD o.O .... and mind you, I haven't even loaded or worked
any Programs yet! , this is just to get onto a naked Desktop and navigate basic OS functions *omg*
This is what the developers apparently urgently needed to hide, cost it what it takes - in this case Resources. LOTS of Resources.
Vista basically runs to a large extend from a Cached RAM-Disk in order to
fake the feel of a performant OS.
Truth is, however, exactly the opposite. A cheap, resource-intensive masquerade.
Any other OS worldwide - in this stripped, absolutely clean config - would boot&run like a supersonic missile.
Not Vista, however, being the insanely overloaded slug it is.
I'm looking forward to throwing this POS off my harddrive again, my predictions not only have been hit dead-on, in many cases they have been exceeded (as usual, the curse of being a very analytical person).
The deeper I dig and the closer I look, the more dirt is becoming visible on Vista under its shiny hood