Quote:so looks like, I won't have the largest collection in Asia,
someone in China just beat me flat to it with 54 cards!!!
But he has no Voodoo5 5000 PCI Rev.A1 3000 or Voodoo5 6000 Rev.A2 2600, so your collection is nicer in my holy opinion on the 3dfx part dude
But it is still great to see more 3dfx collections around, which is also great news for our 3dfx database
What he does, is collect more things from other brands like Matrox, nVidia, S3, Number Nine, Cirus Logic and so on
Nice to see someone do that also
I suppose he has the biggest non-3dfx collection around, I mean over 1000 cards...
that is kinda wacko.
I wonder how many cards AmigaMerlin has, he must own a lot too I suppose of Hank Semenic... I think we are not alone.