well,I have a tortoise (I'm not really into things that are too cute).its a practical pet-kind of reflects my views on life,universe,and everything (no,I don't call her 42).no hair,no barking,no drooling,no scratching or biting,sturdy,not too big,does not need much food or space..and its much more than meets the eye-while most people believe such creatures are slow,stupid,weak and even ugly,its actually the opposite-she is incredibly strong for its size (able to bulldoze through things much,much heavier than her own weight),fast and agile (for a small turtle,that is-see the pic,she does stuff like that all the time

),and while I must agree its not the most beautiful creature on this world,its nowhere near ugly either (and her eyes
are beatiful-black,deep and sparky).and the best thing of all-a tortoise lives for a very,very long time-she's probably older than most members of this forum,I don't know the exact number (I have been her owner "only" for the last twenty years),but she should be around..well,42