Well I got in touch with DataPath.
I spoke to a guy called Wolfgang (naturally
) in Germany.
He gave me a quote which was pushing the limit, but didn't answer my question about whether the cards come retail boxed with driver CD's, manuals and cables.
I then got an e-mail from Kay @ the UK DataPath branch, confirming if I want to pay be Credit Card for this item!?!
A little direct, don't you think.
I asked her the same question and she confirmed that the card is OEM and standalone (no box, cables, CD's, manuals, paperwork, ZIP!)
She quoted me £78!
(Do the math in your own currency, you will be shocked) for the Quantum 50-4220.
So I told her to keep the card (to collect dust in some warehouse for 10 - 15 years before it's binned!)
The point is, they have had no interest in these items for a long while, you can tell by their eagerness to get me to buy it!
They charge such a high price that no-one will pay, only for the item to rot on some warehouse shelf until it gets scrapped!
Why not just reduce it at an affordable rate, so they can make a quick sale on them and reduce thier stock, rather than let their back-stock get congested!
Rant over!