hello,I have a question,I've read about amigamerlin 3 and the sfft drivers and that stuff,and I was wondering, are they for 2k/xp only? is amigamerlin 2.9 the final version for 9x or is there going to be a 9x version of the new drivers?. the sfft is "the most advanced directx core" but, it's frustrating for 9x users (like me) that it's avaiable onyl for 2k/xp. it should be avaiable for both platforms. ok,I know,programming drivers and optimizing them and everything is not a "ok,sure,I'll do it,I'll post the link in 5 minutes" thing,but I'm worried they stopped working in stuff for 9x. I'm going to try anyway the sfft alpha 33 drivers,just in case,I'll try both the legal way and the "ilegal way" (replacing the amigamerlin 2.9 files and installing that modified amigamerlin set,or manually replace the files in c:\windows\system,that kind of stuff), but I don't have any hopes. btw,I'm using 98 first edition in an amd k6-2 500mhz processor,64mb ram,and voodoo 3 2000 pci 16mb. so far the amigamerlin 2.9 are the best drivers I've tryed, (that's old news,I know),but I started looking for newer drivers since I saw something frustrating: some weeks ago I was testing xp,(argh...don't get me started about how much it SUCKS...),and I found that the amigasport drivers have a "force 3d now" feature, and I was amazed that the speed in max payne really increased a lot!!,it was actually working faster than with the amigamerlin 2.9 in 98,EVEN WITH THE COMPUTER "underclocked" TO 400MHZ (xp refused to complete an installation and/or boot at 500mhz ??), AND,CONSIDERING THE OVERALL DECREASE IN PERFORMANCE BECAUSE OF XP!. it's slower,bigger,unusable,unbearable...argh,no way I'm going to use xp. NEVER,I'll stay with the DOS family of OSes. anyway,I still can't believe max payne was faster under that circunstances,and I bet it was the "force 3dnow" feature in the amigasport drivers. I tryed to install those drivers in 9x,edit the inf,replace the files,etc etc,but I had no lock,so,am I stuck with a slower performance or is there any hope of even better drivers than the already great amigamerlin 2.9?