It's been a long time since I posted something so not many will know me. Anyway I received some new stuff yesterday so I decided to once again show off the nice stuff:
The A2

This card is kind of special. First thing is that it's rework is completely different from what we saw before. A different approach was taken here to tackle the problems with the design. Notice the wires going to or from the Xilinx. The tag says: "feed back clock". Secondly I was told this was the personal card from one of the 3dfx engineers, nice detail that I have to find out more about. I plugged the card in and it works good. No 8xAA in Quake 3 though. But in UT (glide) and Blood 2 (D3D) everything is fine.
The card is powered by the old voodoo volts, a magnificant sight:

Second item is an A1:

I already had an A1 but this card should be fully working. Lots of rework on this card. In my current testing setup I was unable to get more out of it then single chip. I hope this can be fixed with the right drivers however.
I also received a voodoo volts with the cards, seen in the second picture. This one was very well preserved in all those years, not a scratch on it. Finally I have one with the testing stickers

Current V5 6000 collection:

And one more cool detail, many of my cards have the lab number 5, incredible coincidence: