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3dfx pictures thread (Read 44614 times)
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #360 - 02.11.08 at 19:55:35
It's been a long time since I posted something so not many will know me. Anyway I received some new stuff yesterday so I decided to once again show off the nice stuff:

The A2


This card is kind of special. First thing is that it's rework is completely different from what we saw before. A different approach was taken here to tackle the problems with the design. Notice the wires going to or from the Xilinx. The tag says: "feed back clock". Secondly I was told this was the personal card from one of the 3dfx engineers, nice detail that I have to find out more about. I plugged the card in and it works good. No 8xAA in Quake 3 though. But in UT (glide) and Blood 2 (D3D) everything is fine.  

The card is powered by the old voodoo volts, a magnificant sight:


Second item is an A1:


I already had an A1 but this card should be fully working. Lots of rework on this card. In my current testing setup I was unable to get more out of it then single chip. I hope this can be fixed with the right drivers however.

I also received a voodoo volts with the cards, seen in the second picture. This one was very well preserved in all those years, not a scratch on it. Finally I have one with the testing stickers  Smiley

Current V5 6000 collection:


And one more cool detail, many of my cards have the lab number 5, incredible coincidence:

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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #361 - 02.11.08 at 20:17:45
very nice
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #362 - 03.11.08 at 01:55:27
Dang, that's incredible. Very nice. \0/
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #363 - 03.11.08 at 04:34:34
That's an incredible collection!  Well done Omega Supreme.   Cheesy

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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #364 - 03.11.08 at 16:17:17
Nice catch Tom!!!! Smiley

ps. Keep me informed about the Intel 1500A1 V6k. My intel card worked ok under Windows XP.

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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #365 - 03.11.08 at 20:24:22
WOOT! Godd@mn' amazing! Cool
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« Last Edit: 03.11.08 at 20:24:31 by paulpsomiadis »  

-=To MOD or not to MOD, that is a DUMB question - just MOD it!=-&&&&+May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk.+
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #366 - 03.11.08 at 20:52:41
Just crazy.
Damn fine collection you have there Cool
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #367 - 03.11.08 at 21:25:11
@OmegaSupreme - Again, sick pics!   Cool

I had some extra decal material from this project:


So I used the extras for my laptop:


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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #368 - 03.11.08 at 22:56:27
Thanks  for the kind words guys  Smiley  I'm honored you like them
I've come a long way to get here and it's still far from done.

Oscar, ofcourse I will keep you updated. My current setup was using the amigamerlin 3.0 driver under XP. I was already suprised the A1
booted fine to windows and accepted the driver in the first place. However no 3d games in SLI, just single chip. The screen just stays black
in SLI or one of the AA modes. However Hank told me he had a bunch of older driver including ones that where written in the times 3dfx still
used the intel bridge. Maybe I can get my hands on them and test again.

What driver did you use in your setup while testing your A1?

Meanwhile, check out the awesome rework they've done on this A2:

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« Last Edit: 03.11.08 at 22:57:46 by omega_supreme »  

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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #369 - 03.11.08 at 23:21:30
What driver did you use in your setup while testing your A1?

I am installing a fresh windows 2k for the Intel V6k. I will let U know.

Meanwhile, check out the awesome rework they've done on this A2:

Yes, it is really rare!!!! Very different to my 2600 A2 rework. Very nice catch!!!
I will try my v6k A2 in differents AA modes. I think my A2 had some problems to 8xFSAA.

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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #370 - 07.11.08 at 02:47:32
Intel V6k is ready for testing under Windows 2k.   Smiley Just let me know what games I must test.


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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #371 - 07.11.08 at 10:10:04
Good news Oscar!

Arey you using the official driver from 3dfx? I think it's the driver that is causing the trouble not really the games.
Anyway, I used Quake3, Unreal Tournament and Blood2: The Chosen (all demo's) for testing. All thee using their
native API: OpenGL for Quake, Glide for UT and D3D for Blood. You could try them and see if you get the intel to
run them in sli (fastest performance).

I also received the older napalm drivers for w9x from Gary yesterday. I'm going to try those first this weekend.
If that fails I'll whipe the driver and try w2K.

Can you also remember what driver you where using in XP? So far I only tried one driver and only in XP so there
is a good chance there could be a driver out there for XP that is compatible with the intel bridge.
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #372 - 07.11.08 at 11:51:24
Hello Tom,

I am using the reference driver dated  08/11/2000 v1.04.00 for Windows 2000.

I have installed 3DMark2001SE, Quake III aren (demo) and UT (demo). Now I am downloading the Blood2 (demo) too.

Right now, I did some fast 3DMark2001SE test:

- Single Chip / ok.
- Fastest Performance / 3560Points.
- 2xFSAA / SLI problems. Screen splited in 2 half
- 4xFSAA / 1650Points
- 8xFSAA / 1650Points.

ps. If U want we can open another thread.
ps2. Intel V6k works with all old drivers.

Can you also remember what driver you where using in XP? So far I only tried one driver and only in XP so there
is a good chance there could be a driver out there for XP that is compatible with the intel bridge.

Go for old drivers. I tried the card under windows xp with the vers. 5.00.2195.0232.

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« Last Edit: 07.11.08 at 11:52:05 by osckhar »  
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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #373 - 07.11.08 at 22:44:16


10 layer

the darker one it the early one

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Re: 3dfx pictures thread
Reply #374 - 08.11.08 at 17:34:10
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