Andrew Boiu
Senior Member
Posts: 267
First, I don't see an economical viable project to do 256 Mb FlashRoms. Next, I would add one extremely important thing: when you read from a ROM, you read slowly, that is why you need shadowing to speed things up, and make the slowly ROM to be readed only once.
A conclusion: rather use a fast RAM, which should keep all the needed OS instructions inside it, as long as the Computer is running, and don't let anything else enter the "cache". THIS way we would hit the amazing efficiency of true Programable Processor, the most efficient design there could be, to take fully advantage of the calculation power of the CPU, without passing some useless cycles through the OS--> it would directly execute an instruction, not decode it, and translated over and over again, each time it goes from the USER to GDI to KERNEL to Actual CPU instruction set...
At the somehow equivalent comparison between 16 bit apps running in a 32 bit environment, I agree until one point: what is the cost of running a 16bit app on a 32bit system? Around 50-75% of the resources needed to run a true 32 bit app. In DOS apps, yes, you can find out a performance increase, but in WIN16 apps, I never found a program to run faster on WIN32 that it did on WIN16. Again, I wouldn't say that it is a true performance gain, when on Windows 3.x you use the MS-DOS SMARTDRIVE cache, and on Win98 you use a faster, more performant disk access method (32 bit). Still, reading/writing performance (max MB sended) is not doubled up when using 32 bit Vcache on Win 98.
Finally, to be totally cruel, a 16 bit app should never run faster on 32 bit environment, than on 16 bit, since, until now, THERE WERE NO APPS to be forced by the system to split in two ther code, and run 2 paralel processes. A 16 bit app runs as a 16 bit app, it only uses the full 32 bit bus, and that's all. Wasted space. It's rather the enhancements, the device drivers that make the difference.
Also, when a typical 32 bit app is using 4Mb, and a more common one is using 12Mb, then multiply this with 2, and what's the catch to run them on a 64bit environment, as long as they would take a full 64bit allocation unit, and nothing else? The answer: to buy more memory, faster CPU's, you know the rest. 64 bit is a must to justify the new 1Gb RAM modules, and 3Ghz processors..