All I can say is, that Pictures taken by anyone else (regardless of their content) are subject to worldwide Copyright.
For many this is no concern, but if sufficient time has been invested e.g. to build a gallery or showcase of any kind, chances are increasing that the owner may not like the images being used without prior permission.
Now that alone (usually, unless accidentally picking e.g. commercial Imagery) normally does not constitute a hughe problem.
But removing the Logo or Watermark off Images clearly shows what I would call 'hostile intent', a determined action despite better knowledge. For this cannot be an accident, there's no excuse anymore for doing this at that point.
Reactions you get for doing something like this vary from 'less than friendly' statements by the owner, upto and not limited to receiving a letter from a lawyer.
AFAIK your EBay membership should not be affected by a single offense, but if I were you, I'd not repeat something like that.
For problems like this there is a proper Forum feature available *hint*