osckhar wrote on 20.12.13 at 13:28:49:[b]POWER SLIDE DEMO
D3D Native
1) Tried powerslide, no luck aside from menus. When you load a racetrack the screen is garbbled.
2) Expendable runs very well if very dark
3) Played with Need For Speed 3, lowered some settings and was able to go almost a whole lap.
4) Moto Racer, grabled junk but I was able to alt-F4 out.
5) Deus Ex demo- Crahes out to desktop, can only get to run in software.
6) Heretic II- Runs OpenGL32 or software ok, no problem adjusting gamma in menu! Locks up rapid in the game though, no more than a few seconds after loading level.
7) Half-Life Opposing Force- D3D, loads level, crashes. OpenGL will not run (states not detected)
I have tried fraps and got some good screenshots, will upload them before bed.