sigtau wrote on 19.02.12 at 03:05:12:Will a minigl driver work with the Rampage? When I was messing around with an AAlchemy system a few years back, I didn't have very good luck using the Q3D 3dfxogl.dll file to run games. However, the Metabyte minigl worked perfectly on most OpenGL games I tried.
Rampage isn't based on VSA, chances are very slim it will work.
Like trying to use an NV board with an ATI driver if you will.
Tried Wizmark with no luck, was able to load 3dfx tools but provides NO information!
Max Payne actually starts and runs but the screen is distorted, like in the OpenGVS demo.
The screen is "banded" like running a V6K with bad chip.
Edit- Tried opengl32 from wicked3d, application looks for glide which of course none are present.
Edit2- For the heck of it, i'm going to reinstall Direct X 9 and see what happens.
Edit3- Dumped the BIOS and checked it out with editor, no information about clocks or other info present.
Edit4- 3D Mark 99 MAXX is a no go as well.
Edit5- AGP mode 1x made no difference.