Hello Habbs!
Like FalconFly says, it is better to trade here, at least for the moment.
I repeat, the card itself is in perfect shape, but the GPU has no more anything written on it, since I used some sandpaper to lap it. By lapping the surface of the GPU, I got a perfectly flat surface, more suitable to now put a new heatsink and a fan over it (to optimize the heat transfer).
Should you want to put back the stock heatsink and fan (which I still have of course), you would just need to use some thermal paste or a thermal pad (I prefer) in the center of the GPU and put some very strong glue on the edges of the GPU (in very small quantity). The heat would then transfer better than before anyway, because of the lapped GPU and because what 3dfx used to glue the heatsink was crappy as hell and didn't help heat transfer at all.
If you need some pictures because you're not really sure how my card looks like, just let me know, we'll talk about the price later, if you're still interested.