How do you know they're not supported?
What does the Voodoo3 got to do with stencil? I'd say you'd better pray it won't be necessary, because emulating stencil in sw is not gonna be fast. At all! Every MesaFX releases has stencil_wrap, for Napalm running 32bit.
Second thing: generate_mipmaps is being done via
gluBuild2DMipmaps. There are some lines I never cross: OpenGL is forbidden to call GLU. Instead, GLU should call OpenGL. I'd rather go and write my own linear-filtered downsampling routine, but that poses a whole lot of problems for wide/slim textures (which exceed the 8:1 aspectratio - HW limit on Voodoos). In fact, all Voodoo-based OpenGL implementations fail to treat such textures correctly. All, but not MesaFX.
Kudos to Rainbow for releasing the sources. You gotta respect that!
Nice implementation of VBOs, the 1.5 extension, but I just pushed the envelope, and implemented another one in MesaFX rc6 (at my situ).
Now, listen very carefully, because I'm gonna say this
ONCE: be careful what you desire, because you might just get it. *here follows the english translation* It's piece of cake for me to enable cube-mapping, but once I do it, the application/game relies on it, so I have to fake it in sw. Now, can you live with 1FPS? I guess not. Better, avoid advertising cube mapping, and usually the application chooses another codepath, which is a compromise between quality and speed (best example, Doom3). Same thing with stencil on Voodoo3; the core is able to deal with it, but I choose to keep it hidden, just in case. 90% of the time, the application will have its own workarounds for OpenGL limitations.
Hmmm... that Commodus pic should go in my sig...