hay thanx FalconFly, Gary,Caravel and other 3dfx friends, it's really givin me some positive spirit.
though the burning hasn't stopped, I rang the doctor again, he said it could take two weekes before it may end, if there is no change I have to go for another inspection this upcomming Monday. The Painkillers well, they do make the burning less, but not so sure that they are working as they should do. They said that my computers won't harm my eyes, I normally use a Laptop with a 15.4"" WUXGA TFT
that feels better that a CRT though, it was the doctors reccomendation to use my Laptop, cause of it's TFT.
I'll make a listing of my medical status later on the weekend. FalconFly I don't mind that you made this tiopic a sticky one.
Thanx everyone, you are all like a second familly to me sometimes, a fact is we care for each other, and that is also something I learned from you people.
May The Force Be With You All, and let's hope I get outta this wierd situation asap.
Friendly Regards,
Ben Kenobi.