I got a stable fsb of 145Mhz yesterday, did some testing runs for about an hour or 2, gaming, benching etc etc, flaswless operation.
I won't show you the benchmark results, as they are pityful due to low speed.
Even the ram test will be crappy, cause let's face it, if I reach 150Mhz stable, it srtill is only DDR300 speed, so...
but the upside is, I've been looking around, a stable fsb above 150 should be doable, I will replace the NB heatsink with a decent actively cooled one and use some artic silver for it.
Won't keep the DDR550 in there, I have 2 x 1GB Corsair XMS PC3200 2-2-2-5 1T lying around for the system, no need for ECC reg ram
But when I have reached my final FSB speed, I will set the multiplier accordingly and then do the tests again and those results I will post.