So many questions
1. just experiment with stuff till they work.. heh
i did the hardware mod a couple of week prior to getting the bios to properly initialize the extra ram modules.
It's a logic thing, a bios source code is no different than php source code, once you get the drift of what those 3dfx programmers did, and where/how they did it, it's rather easy to figure these things out.
2. Well my mod was to simply add 32mb [4x8mb chips] to the empty slots on the reference V4 design.
But now VDX wants me to do the never-before-attempted 128mb V5 mod, which goes for exchanging the 4x16mb chips with 4x32mb chips,
[much harder, mind you
3. "If you can exchange the existing with bigger ones it would be the easiest - but I think it may be tricky."
quite the contrary my friend, initializing 4 extra slots is a hell lot easier than trying to convince the bios that it has more memory than it's supposed to.
And the routines on that V5 for memory management aren't the cleanest iv'e seen so far. [not that iv'e seen so much.. anyway]