I am trying to run my Voodoo Graphics 6MB (Miro Hiscore 3D) to run at resolution 800x600.
I know that in order to be able to do that the card would have to have 4 MB of memory for frame-buffer, or I would have to run it on a aplication with the z-buffer disabled

The problem is that my card has probably 4MB for textures and 2 MB for frame buffer, just like Conpous Pure 3D:

My questions is:
Is it ALWAYS the case that 6MB of memory is dividied in the same way on Voodoo 1 cards (2MB - frame buffer, 4MB - textures?)
On this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxsYJcNex5E we can see Innovision Mighty FX6 with 6MB of ram runnig Quake2 at 800x600... so maybe this board has some other division of memory?
The case with the 8 MB version (Skywell Magic 3D PLUS for example) seems simple:
It has 4MB for textures and 4MB for frame-buffer thus it ALWAYS support 800x600. right?